2.5.0 • Published 4 years ago

pinecone-logger v2.5.0

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4 years ago

Pinecone Logger

Small and fast logger, full of seeds! npm version dependencies Status

const logger = require('pinecone-logger').new({ name: 'testLogger' });

logger.info('Hello world!'); //Outputs: "[<date>] [INFO] TESTLOGGER - Hello world!"
logger.log('Some standard log.'); //Outputs: "Some standard log."


Default levels are inspired by log4j levels.

FatalRed BGSevere errors that cause premature termination.
ErrorRedOther runtime errors or unexpected conditions.
WarnYellowUse of deprecated APIs, poor use of API, 'almost' errors, other runtime situations that are undesirable or unexpected, but not necessarily "wrong".
SuccessGreenSuccessful events, completion of long tasks.
InfoCyanInteresting runtime events (startup/shutdown).
DebugMagentaDetailed information on the flow through the system.
TraceBlueMost detailed information.


Several options are available to customize the logger.

const errLogger = require('pinecone-logger').apply({ 
	name: 'errorLevelLogger',
	nameTransform: false,
	showDate: false,
	level: 'error' //same as 1

errLogger.info('Hello world!'); //Outputs nothing, "info" is higher than "error".
errLogger.error('Some error!'); //Outputs: "[ERROR] errorLevelLogger - Some error!"
level"debug"Maximum log level to process and print.
name""Can be set to improve log readability.
nameColor"grey"Ansi color of the name.
nameTransform"uppercase"Tranforms the name to uppercase or lowercase.
dateFormat"UTC" or "D MMM YYYY, HH:mm:ss.SSS Z"Defines date format, requires "moment" for custom formats, only "UTC", "ISO" and "millis" are available otherwise.
separator"-"Separator to use between log informations and log value.
colorObjectstrueEnables standard utils.inpect() object coloration.
disableColorsfalseDisables all colors.
inspectDepth3Defines utils.inpect() depth.
showDatetrueShows or hides date information.
showLeveltrueShows or hides level information.
showNametrueShows or hides name information.
ellipsisAt64Ellipsis default max length.
maxLength0Max log length, if a log is longer ellipsis will be used.
outputnullOffers a single output solution for both stdout and stderr, is ignored if any of stdout and stderr are defined.
stdoutprocess.stdoutStdout, can be any writable stream, function, a string ("console", "stderr", "stdout") or an object with .write(chunk: stringobject) method.
stderrprocess.stderrStderr, can be any writable stream, function, a string ("console", "stderr", "stdout") or an object with .write(chunk: stringobject) method.
noLogfalseDisables .log() method outputs.
type"string"Can be both "string" or "json", if json log will be sent to any output as a JSON object.
secretMask"*"Mask or Replacement Char for secrets, default *.
secretLevel"debug"Required level for secrets to be visible.
secretMaxLengthfalseLimits the number of chars for masked secrets to improve readability.


Secrets help hiding sensible information while in production.

const infoLogger = require('pinecone-logger').new({ 
	name: 'infoLogger',
	level: 'info'
const debugLogger = require('pinecone-logger').new({ 
	name: 'debugLogger',
	level: 'debug'
const user = "foo";
const password = "bar123!";
const secret = infoLogger.secret(password);
const iterableSecret = infoLogger.secret([logger.br, 'User:', user, logger.br, 'Password:', password], { iterable: true , mask: '' });

// When the secret is a single argument it is resolved while the log is processed by the logger.
infoLogger.info('User', user, 'logged in with password:', secret); //Outputs: "User foo logged in with password *******".
debugLogger.info('User', user, 'logged in with password:', secret); //Outputs: "User foo logged in with password bar123!".

// String concatenation resolves the secret before the processing instead, so, if logger level < secret level, secret will be masked.
infoLogger.info('User ' + user + ' logged in with password: ' + secret); //Outputs: "User foo logged in with password *******".
debugLogger.info('User ' + user + ' logged in with password: ' + secret); //Outputs: "User foo logged in with password *******".
console.log('User ' + user + ' logged in with password: ' + secret); //Outputs: "User foo logged in with password *******".
debugLogger.info('User ' + user + ' logged in with password: ' + debugLogger.secret(password)); //Outputs "User foo logged in with password bar123!" since both debugLogger and secret levels are "debug".

// Iterable returns an array of secrets. Mask replaces the default '*'.
infoLogger.info('New user logged in.', ...iterableSecret); //Outputs: "New user logged in.".
debugLogger.info('New user logged in.', ...iterableSecret); //Outputs: "New user logged in.\n - User: foo \n - Password: bar123!".


Timers help visualizing how long is a given task. Timers are accessible from any logger from .timers property.

Logger .timers methods

new()name (string, optional)Creates new timer.
get()name (string) or id (number)Finds Timer by name or id.
start()name (string) or id (number)Finds and starts a timer.
stop()name (string) or id (number)Finds and stops a timer.
resolve()name (string) or id (number)Finds and resolves a timer.
valueOf()name (string) or id (number)Finds and returns the value of a timer.

Timer object

idReturns timer id.
valueReturns timer value.
start()Starts the timer.
stop()Stops the timer. Can be resumed with "start()"
resolve()Resolves the timer.

By resolving a timer its value will be returned and the timer itself will be deleted. Use "value" and "valueOf" to access value without stopping or destroying the timer.

const logger = require('pinecone-logger').apply({ name: 'testLogger' });
const timer = logger.timers.start('timer1');

setTimeout(() => { // Waits 500ms
	const value = timer.value;
	logger.log('Testing timer after 500ms: ' + value.pretty + '(' + value + 'ms).'); 
	// Outputs "Testing timer after 500ms: 500ms (500ms).".
	logger.log('Pausing timer for 200ms');
	timer.stop(); // Stops timer.
	setTimeout(() => {
		logger.timers.start('timer1'); // Starts timer by name.
	}, 200);
}, 500);

setTimeout(() => { // Waits 1400ms
	const value = logger.timers.resolve(timer.toString()); // Resolves timer by id
	logger.log("Resolving timer after 1400ms, paused for 200ms: " + value.pretty + '(' + value + 'ms).');
	// Outputs "Resolving timer after 1400ms, paused for 200ms: 1s 200ms (1200ms).".
	// Timer counted only 1200ms as it was stopped for 200ms.
}, 1400);


Title allows fast creation of standard titles.

Title accepts a string, for single-line titles, or an array of strings, for multi-line titles.

Three types are available:

-- This is a type 0 title --
-- Aligned left           --
|-- This is a type 1 title --|
|--          Aligned right --|
  /-- This is a type 2 title ---/
 /---     Aligned center     --/
logger.title(title: string | string[], options?: object)
char"-"Frame char.
type0Type of title. Can be 0, 1 or 2.
sideChar"|", "/"Side char(s). Available only for type 1 and 2.
side2Represents how many "char" will be placed on text line sides.
colorfalseText color.
frameColorfalseFrame color.
align"left"Multi-line text alignment. Can be "rignt", "left" or "center".
const logger = require('pinecone-logger').new({ name: 'titleLogger' });
logger.log(logger.title('Single line title'));
//  -----------------------
//  -- Single line title --
//  -----------------------

logger.log(logger.title(['Multi line', '', 'Title'], { char: '=', type: 1, align: 'center', sideChar: '||', side: 0 }));
//  ||============||
//  || Multi line ||
//  ||            ||
//  ||   Title    ||
//  ||============||


Ellipsis trims strings over a given length and places '...' (or else) at the end.

logger.ellipsis(input: string, length?: number, replacement?: string); 
const logger = require('pinecone-logger').new({ name: 'titleLogger' });
logger.log(logger.ellipsis('1234567890', 6)); // 123...
logger.log(logger.ellipsis('1234567890', 6, ';')); // 12345;


Groups can spread logs to multiple loggers with a single call.

logger.newGroup(...members: Logger[]);

group.add(members: Logger);
group.remove(member: number|Logger);
const loggerParent = require('pinecone-logger');
const loggerChild1 = require('pinecone-logger').new({ name: 'GroupMember1' });
const loggerChild2 = require('pinecone-logger').new({ name: 'GroupMember2' });
loggerParent.apply({ name: 'GroupLeader', level: 'info' });

loggerParent.info('I\'ll be the group leader, my level is', loggerParent.level );
loggerChild1.info('I\'ll be the group member 1, my level is', loggerChild1.level );
loggerChild2.info('I\'ll be the group member 2, my level is', loggerChild2.level );
const loggerGroup = loggerParent.newGroup(loggerChild1);
loggerGroup.info('This is from a group, should be printed twice.');
loggerGroup.debug('This is also from a group, but should only be printed once from member 1 as leader level is "info".');
loggerGroup.success('New logger added to group.', 'This should be printed three times.');
loggerGroup.warn('All members removed from group.', 'This should be printed once.');


Global loggers can be accessed anywhere.

// file 1
const globalLogger = require('pinecone-logger').new({ global: 'global-1' });
// file 2
const logger = require('pinecone-logger').globals.get('global-1');

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