0.0.5 • Published 1 year ago

pinecone-ts-client v0.0.5

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1 year ago

Pinecone Typescript Client

This is the Typescript client for Pinecone. It is a wrapper around the Pinecone OpenAPI spec.

Maintenance Npm package version


npm install pinecone-ts-client


Set the following environment variables:


Initializing the client

import { PineconeClient } from "pinecone-ts-client";

// Create a client
const client = new PineconeClient();

// Initialize the client
await client.init({
  apiKey: process.env.PINECONE_API_KEY,
  environment: process.env.PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT,

Control plane operations

The Pinecone control plane allows you to perform the following operations:

  1. Create, configure and delete indexes
  2. Get information about an existing indexes
  3. Create and delete collections
  4. Select an index to operate on


Create Index

const createRequest: CreateRequest = {
  name: indexName,
  dimension: dimensions,

await client.createIndex(createRequest);

Delete Index

await client.deleteIndex(indexName);

Describe Index

const indexDescription = await client.describeIndex(indexName);

Example result:

  "database": {
    "name": "my-index",
    "metric": "cosine",
    "dimension": 10,
    "replicas": 1,
    "shards": 1,
    "pods": 1,
    "pod_type": "p1.x1"
  "status": {
    "waiting": [],
    "crashed": [],
    "host": "my-index-[project-id].svc.[environment].pinecone.io",
    "port": 433,
    "state": "Ready",
    "ready": true

List Indexes

const list = await client.listIndexes();

Example result:

["index1", "index2"]

Select an index

To operate on an index, you must select it. This is done by calling the Index method on the client.

const index = client.Index(indexName);


Create Collection

const createCollectionRequest: CreateCollectionRequest = {
  name: collection,
  source: indexName,
await client.createCollection(createCollectionRequest);

Delete Collection

await client.deleteCollection(collection);

Describe Collection

const describeCollection = await client.describeCollection(collection);

Example result:


List Collections

const list = await client.listCollections();

Example result:

["collection1", "collection2"]

Index operations

The Pinecone index operations allow you to perform the following operations instances of Vector.

A Vector is defined as follows:

type Vector = {
  id: string;
  values: number[];
  metadata?: object;

After selecting an index to operate on, you can:

1. Upsert vectors

const upsertRequest: UpsertRequest = {
await index.upsert(upsertRequest);
  1. Query for vectors
const vectors = [...] // array of vectors

const queryRequest: QueryRequest = {
  topK: 1,

const queryResponse = await index.query(queryRequest)
  1. Update a specific vector
const updateRequest: UpdateRequest = {
  id: vectorId, // the ID of the vector to update
  values: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0], // the new vector values
  setMetadata: metadata, // the new metadata
await index.update(updateRequest);
  1. Fetch vectors by their IDs
const fetchResult = await index.fetch([vectorIDs], namespace);
  1. Delete vectors
await index.delete1([vectorIDs], false, namespace);
  1. Delete all vectors in a namespace
await index.delete1([], true, namespace);