0.1.0 • Published 9 years ago

pino-trace v0.1.0

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Last release
9 years ago


Trace all async operations performantly with pino the fast logger

Build Status


pino-trace uses async-tracer to hook into async operations (via the native async_wrap binding) and output logs in an optimal way that's compatible with and supportive of pino's log format.


Node v4 to v6


Logger at trace level

By default, pino-trace logs operations at the trace level:

var pino = require('pino')
var trace = require('pino-trace')

var logger = pino({level: 'trace'})


Tracer at info level

Alternatively, we can keep pino at the info level and tell pino-trace to log at that the info level

var pino = require('pino')
var trace = require('pino-trace')

var logger = pino()

trace(logger, {level: 'info'})

Turning Tracing on Dynamically

pino-trace will respond to changes in log level

var pino = require('pino')
var trace = require('pino-trace')

var logger = pino()


// some time later:
logger.level = 'trace'
// now ops will be logged
logger.level = 'info'
// ops stop being captured and logged

Child loggers

Child loggers are supported:

var pino = require('pino')
var trace = require('pino-trace')

var logger = pino().child({bound: 'data'})
logger.level = 'trace'
trace(logger) // all trace events will have `bound` field


pino-trace returns the passed in logger instance, allowing for a shorthand:

var logger = require('pino-trace')(require('pino')())


require('pino-trace') => (Pino: logger, opts) => logger


level default: 'trace' 'String or Number'

Set the log level at which traced operations are recorded at. If a string, then a relevant pino log level. If a number, then a corresponding pino log level value.

stacks default: false Boolean or Number

If true then include an array of call sites in each init log. The stack array takes the following form:


If set to a number, (from 1 to Infinity) stacks will also determine the maximum amount of frames to capture for the log (defaults to Infinity if true).

contexts default: false Boolean

Supply the operations context in the pre and post logs. The context is an exposed C object that holds state for the async op.

Ecosystem Integration

pino-trace is compatible with express-pino-logger, restify-pino-logger, koa-pino-logger, and rill-pino-logger middleware.

In each case, simply pass the middleware into pino-trace:

var pino = require('express-pino-logger')
var trace = require('pino-trace')

var app = express()

app.use(trace(pino({level: 'trace'})))


Overhead of using pino-trace is about 25%.

npm run benchmark

With tracing

Running 10s test @ http://localhost:3000
10 connections with 10 pipelining factor

Stat         Avg      Stdev     Max
Latency (ms) 0.23     0.75      37
Req/Sec      33652.37 2340.03   35039
Bytes/Sec    3.74 MB  249.94 kB 3.93 MB

Without tracing

Running 10s test @ http://localhost:3000
10 connections with 10 pipelining factor

Stat         Avg      Stdev     Max
Latency (ms) 0.13     0.42      34
Req/Sec      45682.91 1310.58   46335
Bytes/Sec    5.06 MB  150.72 kB 5.24 MB

Overhead of turning on tracing with async_wrap is around 8%, so the net overhead is 17%, mostly this is the cost of writing to a stream.


npm test
test/index.js ....................................... 61/61
total ............................................... 61/61

  61 passing (445.565ms)

File       |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
 __root__/ |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  index.js |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
All files  |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |




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