0.0.3 • Published 13 years ago

pippi v0.0.3

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Last release
13 years ago


'Cuz Pippi has freckles.

Basic command line tool for logging hours in Freckle. Uses the excellent freckle api bindings from the Node.js library created by Tim Branyan @tbranyen.


You can install this by installing node and npm and then running:

npm install pippi

Pip reads from a config file, so you'll want to create a ~/.freckle file with the following information and then modify each variable to your specific information.

    "subdomain": "apitest.letsfreckle.com",
    "token": "lx3gi6pxdjtjn57afp8c2bv1me7g89j",
    "user": "apitest@letsfreckle.com"

Note: your API token can be found by logging into Freckle, clicking on 'settings & tools', and then the API tab.

You'll want to run pippi list at least once to make sure you're connected properly, and to get a list of all projects which will be saved and used for project id lookups.


Usage: pippi [command] [options]

list            List projects associated with your subdomain. This will give
                you a list of project names and their IDs which you need for
                logging your entries.
                  ex: pippi list

log             Log time entries using various options.
                  ex: pippi log -p 101814 -m "quick update" -t 15m

-h, --help      Display this help page.
                  ex: pippi -h

-t, --time      Time entry in freckle specified format.
                  ex: pippi -t 15m
                  ex: pippi -t 1.5h

-p, --project   The project ID.
                  ex: pippi -p 101814

-m, --message   Post a message to yammer
                  ex: pippi -m "I'm working on pippi"
                  ex: pippi -m "tag, tag, tag"

-d, --date      Optional date formated in YYYY-MM-DD. Defaults to today.
                  ex: pippi -d 2012-07-20

-u, --user      Optional user to log time for. Defaults to user in config.json.
                  ex: pippi -u apitest@letsfreckle.com


  • I'd like to have tab completion for project names and tags.