0.1.0 • Published 9 months ago

pipz-md-links v0.1.0

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9 months ago

Markdown Links

Check if you MD file has any links. It'll help you to see stats report and validate links found in your Markdown file. Developer for Laboratoria

How to use

Run in your terminal: mdlinks <path-to-file> [options]

Then you'll see in the output details of all links found. Like this:

The file has the following links:
Link 1:
Text: Objetos en JavaScript
URL: https://curriculum.laboratoria.la/es/topics/javascript/05-objects/01-objects

You can see report stats and detaild of links found in your MD file. If you pass the option --validate, you'll see if the links works or not. For example, this is the way you'll see stats:

Link 2:
Text: Path
URL: https://nodejs.org/api/path.html
Status: 200
OK: Ok

Otherwise if you pass the option --stats, you'll see basic stats about your links. Like:

mdlinks <path-to-file> --stats
stats: { Total: 80, Unique: 75 }

And last, if you pass the option --stats and --validate, you'll see the sum of Total, Unique and Broken links.

stats and validate: { Total: 80, Unique: 75, Broken: 18 }

9 months ago