0.1.0 • Published 8 years ago

pirate-rpc v0.1.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
8 years ago

Pirate RPC

Pirate RPC is a framework for implementing session-oriented remote procedure APIs. It is very well suited for building service-to-service WebSocket interfaces, but really doesn't care that much. Pirate uses a Driver interface to abstract protocol-specific interfaces out of its internals.

They be more like guidelines

Detailed documentation is available on the repository's GitHub Pages site

Adding Documentation Pages

Add markdown files to docs/_pages. Files must have a frontmatter header with, at least, the following attributes:

layout: default
title: Documentation
icon: tags
order: 200
  • icon is the Font Awesome icon that will be used in the generated navigation pane
  • order defines the sorting behavior of pages in the generated navigation pane

Pages are rendered by Jekyll and can include Liquid template tags and filters.