0.2.7 • Published 7 years ago

pisco-cells-app-launch v0.2.7

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Last release
7 years ago

Step launch

Launch a cells app locally

  1. Description
  2. Configuration
  3. More information


Launch a cells app locally, watch files changes, and update .tmp folder with those changes, for serving it locally.


There is some launch related process:

  1. Clean configuration
  2. Linter configuration
  3. Generate configuration
  4. Mocks configuration
  5. Serve configuration

1. Clean configuration

Before the launch process exists a optional process for clean a folder. This is the configuration of clean:

  "clean": {
    "active": false,
    "target": ".tmp"


activeBooleanfalseactive allows to execute clean process
targetString.tmpThe folder to clean

2. Linter configuration

Launch a static code analisis or linter process with eslint.

  "linter": {
    "active": true,
    "executeOnFiles": [
    "config": {
      "plugins": [
      "ignorePattern": [
      "ignorePath": ".gitignore",
      "extensions": [


activeBooleantrueallows or not to execute linter process
executeOnFilesArray[ "app/scripts" ],Is the folder to analyze
configObject.tmpIs a configuration for eslint

3. Generate configuration

The generate configuration defines the configuration to execute processes, when files inside an app are changed, and when the app is currently served.

Those process are:

  1. appConfig configuration
  2. componentHtml configuration
  3. composerMocksTpls configuration
  4. indexTpl configuration
  5. sass configuration
  6. transpile configuration


  "watch": {
    "generate": {
      "appConfig": {
        "active": true
      "componentHtml": {
        "active": true
      "composerMocksTpls": {
        "active": true
      "indexTpl": {
        "active": true
      "sass": {
        "active": true
      "transpile": {
        "active": true

3.1 appConfig configuration

Generate a file app-config.js with environment configuration app\env.json.

  "watch": {
    "generate": {
      "appConfig": {
        "active": true,
        "target": "{{folderTmp}}/scripts/"


activeBooleantrueallows or not to execute the process
targetString".tmp/scripts"Is the folder where it is generated the app-config file

3.2 componentHtml configuration

Generate a file components.html in order to import all components defined in bower.json.

  "watch": {
    "generate": {
      "componentHtml": {
        "active": true,
        "source": "app/tpls/components.tpl",
        "target": "{{folderTmp}}/{{bowerComponents}}/components.html"


activeBooleantrueallows or not to execute the process
sourceStringapp/tpls/components.tplsource file with a template
targetString".tmp/components/components.html"Is the target file

3.3 composerMocksTpls configuration

Generate mocks files for composer with some templates.

  "watch": {
    "generate": {
      "composerMocksTpls": {
        "active": true,
        "regExpPattern": "##([\\.\\w]+)##",
        "regExpFlags": "g",
        "source": "composerMocksTpl/",
        "target": "{{composerEndPoint}}"


activeBooleantrueallows or not to execute the process
regExpPatternString"##([\\.\\w]+)##"regExp pattern to search an replace
regExpFlagsString"g"flags for regExp
sourceString"composerMocksTpl/"Is the source folder with templates
targetString"app/composerMocks/"Is the target folder

3.4 indexTpl configuration

Generate a index.html files for composer with a folder with templates.

  "watch": {
    "generate": {
      "indexTpl": {
        "active": true,
        "regExpPattern": "##([\\.\\w]+)##", 
        "regExpFlags": "g",
        "source": "app/tpls/index.tpl",
        "target": "{{folderTmp}}/index.html"


activeBooleantrueallows or not to execute the process
regExpPatternString"##([\\.\\w]+)##"regExp pattern to search an replace
regExpFlagsString"g"flags for regExp
sourceString"app/tpls/index.tpl"Is the source folder with templates
targetString".tmp/index.html"Is the target folder

3.5 sass configuration

Generate css files with sass

  "watch": {
    "generate": {
      "sass": {
        "active": true,
        "size": { "title": "app/styles" },
        "autoprefixer": { "remove": true },
        "source": "app/**/*.scss",
        "target": "{{folderTmp}}"


activeBooleantrueallows or not to execute the process
sizeObject{ "title": "app/styles" }title description for console with size of css
autoprefixerObject{ "remove": true }options for autoprefixer
sourceString"app/**/*.scss"Is the source folder with templates
targetString".tmp"Is the target folder

3.6 transpile configuration

Transpile js files with babel

  "watch": {
    "generate": {
      "transpile": {
        "active": true,
        "exclude": ["*polymer*", "rxjs", "webcomponentsjs"],
        "source": {
          "{{bowerComponents}}/!(${exclude})/*!(\\.min).{html,js}": "{{bowerComponents}}",
          "app/elements/!(${exclude})/*.{js,html}": "elements",
          "app/scripts/*.js": "scripts"
        "plugins": [
        "target": "{{folderTmp}}"


activeBooleantrueallows or not to execute the process
excludeArray["*polymer*", "rxjs", "webcomponentsjs"]title description for console with size of css
sourceObject{ "remove": true }Is the source folder with javascript files
pluginsString"app/**/*.scss"Plugins for babel
targetString".tmp"Is the target folder

4. Mocks configuration

Serve Mocks with Stubby through gulp stubby.

  "mocks": {
    "active": true,
    "stubby": {
      "stubs": 8000,
      "mute": false,
      "location": "",
      "relativeFilesPath": true,
      "files": [


activeBooleantrueallows or not to execute the process
stubbyObjectsee belowoptions for gulp stubby

5. Serve configuration

General configuration for serve the app

  "serve": {
    "active": true,
    "sudo": false,
    "browserSync": {
      "serve4developers": {
        "notify": false,
        "ghostMode": false,
        "port": 8001,
        "startPath": "/{{appName}}/index.html",
        "reloadOnRestart": true,
        "serveStatic": [{
          "route": "/{{appName}}",
          "dir": ["{{folderTmp}}", "{{appFolder}}"]
        }, {
          "route": "/{{appName}}/{{bowerComponents}}",
          "dir": ["{{folderTmp}}/{{bowerComponents}}", "{{bowerComponents}}"]
        "server": {
          "baseDir": ".",
          "routes": {
            "/cellsApp/": "{{appFolder}}",
            "/cellsApp/{{bowerComponents}}": "{{bowerComponents}}"
          "middleware": [],
          "index": "index.html"
      "serveDistribution": {
        "notify": false,
        "port": 8001,
        "startPath": "/{{config}}/{{type}}/index.html",
        "reloadOnRestart": true,
        "server": {
          "baseDir": [ "build" ],
          "middleware": [],
          "index": "index.html"


activeBooleantrueallows or not to execute the process
sudoBooleansee belowLaunch serve with sudo, this is interesting because some OS just allow to launch with sudo in some ports
browserSyncObjectsee belowList of configuration of browserSync

More information:

  • Contexts: "app"
  • Plugins: "cells-app-inquire-helpers", "configApp", "gulp", "launchInquirer", "nunjucks"
  • Requirements: none