pispros v1.0.2
sudo bash install.sh ---> Install the tools
synthax : react-ninjamer-tools <element_name> <element_name>"
Attention : Make sure you are in your root folder and you do not have unsaved code a file you want to touch with the tool !"
------------------------------------------- Options :
--init ----------> without any other parameter to init ninjamer-tools in your project ! It comes with react-redux structure"
-c ----------> generate a component."
-r ----------> generate a reducer."
-p ----------> generate a page."
-const ----------> generate a constant file"
-a ----------> generate an actions file
-i ----------> import component in a page.... -i component_name page_name"
Note: for speed & fast developement while using redux, please give same name to {constant, action & reducer} file
Have a good time hacking my ninja
3 years ago