0.0.16 • Published 7 years ago

pitchfork v0.0.16

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7 years ago

#Pitchfork Client

Travis CI

An unofficial Node.js client for Pitchfork reviews based on the Pitchfork API Client for Python.


Using NPM

npm install pitchfork

Using Github

git clone git@github.com:omardelarosa/pitchfork-npm.git

You can then use it as a command-line tool or as a node module


You can require pitchfork and use it inside of any Node.JS application.

var p4k = require('pitchfork')


A Search constructor that extends EventEmitter. Listeners can be attached to the 'ready' event which will fire when all reviews have been fetched and parsed. For example:

var p = require('pitchfork')
var s = new p.Search('wilco')

s.on('ready', function(results){
  console.log("results", results)

//=> [ {Review}, {Review}, {Review}, ... ]


An Array of Review objects.


Called once when Search is instantiated to fetch results. Not usually called directly


A Page constructor that extends EventEmitter. This constructor takes an integer argument specifying which page of reviews you wish to fetch from /reviews/albums/:page_num. Listeners can be attached to the 'ready' event which will fire when all reviews have been fetched and parsed. For example, this would return all the most recent reviews:

var p = require('pitchfork')
var s = new p.Page(1)

s.on('ready', function(results){
  console.log("results", results)

//=> [ {Review}, {Review}, {Review}, ... ]


The Review constructor encapsulates methods and data relating to the Pitchfork review. The Review extends EventEmitter and fires a 'ready' event when the review has been fetched and parsed.


An Object with information about the album and its text. Sample below:

  "url": "/reviews/albums/9419-the-letting-go/",
  "name": "Bonnie \"Prince\" Billy - The Letting Go",
  "artist": "Bonnie \"Prince\" Billy",
  "album": "The Letting Go",
  "title": "Bonnie \"Prince\" Billy: The Letting Go | Album Reviews | Pitchfork",
  "label": "Palace / Drag City",
  "year": "2006",
  "score": 8.2,
  "cover": "http://cdn.pitchfork.com/albums/9255/homepage_large.e8a2bd20.jpg",
  "author": "Mark Richardson",
  "date": "September 18, 2006",
  "editorial": {
    "text": "...",
    "html": "..."


This method is automatically called when the Review is instantiated and returns a Promise. This generally isn't called directly.


This stores the thennable promise object generated by .fetch for attaching .then-style callbacks.


The full Review instance represented as JSON.

  "url": "/reviews/albums/9419-the-letting-go/",
  "name": "Bonnie \"Prince\" Billy - The Letting Go",
  "artist": "Bonnie \"Prince\" Billy",
  "album": "The Letting Go",
  "title": "Bonnie \"Prince\" Billy: The Letting Go | Album Reviews | Pitchfork",
  "label": "Palace / Drag City",
  "year": "2006",
  "score": 8.2,
  "cover": "http://cdn.pitchfork.com/albums/9255/homepage_large.e8a2bd20.jpg",
  "author": "Mark Richardson",
  "date": "September 18, 2006",
  "editorial": {
    "html": " <p>Though Will Oldham began his musical career while in his early twenties, ... deep absorption or self-reflection so much as a kind of fond familiarity. </p> ",
    "text": " Though Will Oldham began his musical career while in his early twenties ... deep absorption or self-reflection so much as a kind of fond familiarity.  "


The attributes of the Review instance with editorial.html/editorial.text condensed into the first 300 characters of of the text assigned to the key '.text'.

  "url": "/reviews/albums/9419-the-letting-go/",
  "name": "Bonnie \"Prince\" Billy - The Letting Go",
  "artist": "Bonnie \"Prince\" Billy",
  "album": "The Letting Go",
  "title": "Bonnie \"Prince\" Billy: The Letting Go | Album Reviews | Pitchfork",
  "label": "Palace / Drag City",
  "year": "2006",
  "score": 8.2,
  "cover": "http://cdn.pitchfork.com/albums/9255/homepage_large.e8a2bd20.jpg",
  "author": "Mark Richardson",
  "date": "September 18, 2006",
  "text": " Though Will Oldham began his musical career while in his early twenties, he's never exactly sounded young. From his first releases as Palace Music, Oldham's whiskey-soaked vocals and lyrical obsessions with death, sex, and religion have made \"maturity\" something of a non-issue. And yet, with his mo..."


Prints a plain-text representation of the review.

CLI (Command-Line Interface)

Returns a review for a given artist and album title.

$ pitchfork wilco 'yankee hotel foxtrot'
# { ... pretty-printed, colorized quasi-JSON object... }

or you can use -a and -t flags.

$ pitchfork -a wilco -t 'yankee hotel foxtrot'
# { ... pretty-printed, colorized quasi-JSON object... }

Returns a list of reviews for a given artist with no album.

$ pitchfork -a 'wilco'
# [ 
#    { ... pretty-printed, colorized quasi-JSON object... },
#    { ... pretty-printed, colorized quasi-JSON object... },
#    { ... pretty-printed, colorized quasi-JSON object... }
# ]

For valid, uncolored JSON, use the --json flag:

$ pitchfork -a 'wilco' -t 'yankee hotel foxtrot' --json
# { ... valid JSON object... }


-ayartist_namereturns a review by given artist
-talbum_titlereturns a review by given album title
-j,--jsonreturns review attributes as un-prettified json
-v, --verbosereturns review entire object as json
-V, --versionreturns version number
-T,--truncatedreturns a truncated json object of the review attributes
-tx,--textreturns a text version of review (ex: to pipe output to 'less' )
-ppage_numberreturns a list of reviews located on the specified page

7 years ago


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