1.2.3 • Published 5 years ago

pixie-transformer v1.2.3

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Pixie Transformer

Pixie Transformer is transforming a Raw/Response JSON Payload into your expected JSON Payload. It's make your life easy and convenience without any logic required in your code. You just need to configure Dimension, Measurement (1 or Multiple), Additional Dimension Binding, Condition, Sorting, Mathematic Formula and etc. Generated Pixie Dataset payload mostly used for chart series dataset, map dataset, analysis dataset and etc. Depend on your requirement too...

Pixie Transformer, Suitable used for:

  • Highcharts
  • Chart.js
  • Amchart
  • Any Visualization Tools and Other(s).
  • Any Dataset, You Wish to Transform Easily Without Any Logic.

Table of Contents

Library Interface


  • Dimension(column: string, category: TYPE, rename?: string, defaultValue?: any, isIncremental: boolean)
  • Measurement(row: string, condition: Array, dimensionListBind: boolean, float?: number, formula?: string, rename?: string, defaultValue?: any, isIncremental: boolean)
  • Condition(key: string, condition: CONDITION, match: string | number, rename?: string, toUpperCase?: boolean)
  • Aggregate(data: any, dimension: Dimension, measurement: Array, dimensionList?: Array)
  • Sort (sortType: SORT, sortProperty?: any, naturalSort?: boolean)
  • Pixie (aggregate?: Aggregate, sort?: Sort, debug?: boolean)


  • TYPE
  • SORT


  • Sorting
  • Aggregating
  • Pixing

Pixie Function

  • pixieGroup(pixieData: any, groupByKey: string): Array;
  • pixieSumGroupBy(pixieData: any, groupByKey: string, sumKey: string): Array;
  • pixieSumBy(pixieData: any, sumKey: string): number
  • pixieSumByEachObject(pixieData: any, sumByKey: Array): Array;
  • pixieAddKey(pixieData: any, key: any, value: any): Array;
  • pixieReplaceValue(pixieData: any, key: any, value: any): Array;
  • pixiePluckIncrement(pixieData: any, key: any, rename: any = 'x'): Array;


npm install pixie-transformer --save


How to Use It

import { Dimension, Measurement, Aggregate, Sort, Pixie, SORT, TYPE, CONDITION, Condition } from 'pixie-transformer';

First, we need some JSON data

const firstDataset = [
  { projectId: 'omakDec12<V03', date: '2018-12-12', failed: 6.3, firstPass: 194.0, rework: 0.0 },
  { projectId: 'omakDec10<V03', date: '2018-12-10', failed: 1.9, firstPass: 201.1, rework: 10.0 },
  { projectId: 'omakDec03<V03', date: '2018-12-11', failed: 90.0, firstPass: 202.9, rework: 0.0 },
  { projectId: 'ChrSept', date: '2018-12-13', failed: 10.0, firstPass: 250.01, rework: 0.0 }

const secondDataset = [
  { timestamp: '2018-10-13T04:57:16.000+00:00', serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125646-1', status: 'PASSED', measured: '5.295931E-5' },
  { timestamp: '2018-01-30T04:57:50.000+00:00', serialNumber: 'Omak_ab181030125720-1', status: 'PASSED', measured: '5.306795E-5' },
  { timestamp: '2018-10-31T04:58:25.000+00:00', serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125754-1', status: 'pass', measured: '5.306223E-5' },
  { timestamp: '2018-11-30T04:58:59.000+00:00', serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125829-1', status: 'FAIL', measured: '5.297646E-5' },
  { timestamp: '2018-09-30T04:59:33.000+00:00', serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125902-1', status: 'Anomaly', measured: '5.302792E-5' }

Dimension & Measurement

const dimension = new Dimension('date', TYPE.DATE);
const measurementList = [new Measurement('firstPass', CONDITION.NONE)];
const dataAgg = new Aggregate(firstDataset, dimension, measurementList);
const sort = new Sort(SORT.ACS, ['date']);
const pixie = new Pixie(dataAgg, sort);
const pixieData = pixie.getPixie();

Expected Response

pixieData = {
  firstPass: [{ x: 1544400000000, y: 201.1 }, 
  { x: 1544486400000, y: 202.9 }, 
  { x: 1544572800000, y: 194 }, 
  { x: 1544659200000, y: 250.01 }]

Highcharts Demo

Amcharts Demo

Measurement With Condition & Additional Dimension Binding

const dimension = new Dimension('timestamp', TYPE.DATE);
const conditionList = [
  new Condition('status', CONDITION.CONTAIN, 'pass', 'pass'),
  new Condition('status', CONDITION.CONTAIN, 'PASS', 'pass'),
  new Condition('status', CONDITION.EQUAL, 'Anomaly')
const measurementList = [new Measurement('measured', conditionList, true)];
const dimensionList = [new Dimension('serialNumber', TYPE.ANY)];
const dataAgg = new Aggregate(secondDataset, dimension, measurementList, dimensionList);
const sort = new Sort(SORT.ACS, ['timestamp']);
const pixie = new Pixie(dataAgg, sort);
const pixieData = pixie.getPixie();

Expected Response

pixieData = {
  measured: {
    pass: [
      { x: 1517288270000, y: 0.00005306795, serialNumber: 'Omak_ab181030125720-1' },
      { x: 1539406636000, y: 0.00005295931, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125646-1' },
      { x: 1540961905000, y: 0.00005306223, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125754-1' }
    Anomaly: [{ x: 1538283573000, y: 0.00005302792, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125902-1' }],
    unknown: [{ x: 1543553939000, y: 0.00005297646, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125829-1' }]

Highcharts Demo

Mathematic Formula

const dimension = new Dimension('date', TYPE.DATE);
const yieldMath = '(firstPass+rework)/(firstPass+rework+failed)*100';
const dimensionList = [new Dimension('projectId', TYPE.ANY)];
const measurementList = [new Measurement('yieldMath', CONDITION.NONE, true, 2, yieldMath)];
const dataAgg = new Aggregate(firstDataset, dimension, measurementList, dimensionList);
const sort = new Sort(SORT.ACS, ['date']);
const pixie = new Pixie(dataAgg, sort);
const pixieData = pixie.getPixie();

Expected Response

pixieData = {
  yieldMath: [
    { x: 1544400000000, y: 99.11, projectId: 'omakDec10<V03' },
    { x: 1544486400000, y: 69.27, projectId: 'omakDec03<V03' },
    { x: 1544572800000, y: 96.85, projectId: 'omakDec12<V03' },
    { x: 1544659200000, y: 96.15, projectId: 'ChrSept' }

Highcharts Demo

Pixie Function

pixieData = pixie.getPixie();
// pixieData from getPixie
pixieData = {
  measured: [
    { x: 1517288270000, y: 0.00005306795, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125720-1' },
    { x: 1538283573000, y: 0.00005302792, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125646-1' },
    { x: 1539406636000, y: 0.00005295931, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125646-1' },
    { x: 1540961905000, y: 0.00005306223, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125754-1' },
    { x: 1543553939000, y: 0.00005297646, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125754-1' }

Last but not least, you can use Pixie Function to transform new Pixie Dataset which doesn’t in your current payload.

pixieGroup(groupByKey: T): Array;

const pixieProtoData = pixieData.measured.pixieGroup('serialNumber');
// OR
const pixieProtoData = pixieGroup(rawPixieData.measured, 'serialNumber');

Expected Response

const pixieProtoData = [
    serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125720-1',
    data: [{ x: 1517288270000, y: 0.00005306795, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125720-1' }]
    serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125646-1',
    data: [
      { x: 1538283573000, y: 0.00005302792, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125646-1' },
      { x: 1539406636000, y: 0.00005295931, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125646-1' }
    serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125754-1',
    data: [
      { x: 1540961905000, y: 0.00005306223, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125754-1' },
      { x: 1543553939000, y: 0.00005297646, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125754-1' }

pixieSumGroupBy(groupByKey: string, sumByKey: T): Array;

const pixieProtoData = pixieData.measured.pixieSumGroupBy('serialNumber', 'nominal');
// OR
const pixieProtoData = pixieSumGroupBy(rawPixieData.measured, 'serialNumber', 'nominal');

Expected Response

const pixieProtoData = [
  { x: 1517288270000, y: 0.00005306795, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125720-1' },
  { x: 1538283573000, y: 0.00005302792, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0001388, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125646-1' },
  { x: 1540961905000, y: 0.00005306223, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0001388, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125754-1' }

pixieSumBy(sumByKey: T): number;

const pixieProtoData = pixieData.measured.pixieSumBy('fixtureId');
// OR
const pixieProtoData = pixieSumBy(rawPixieData.measured, 'fixtureId');

Expected Response

const pixieProtoData = 15400;

pixieSumByEachObject(sumByKey: Array): Array;

const pixieProtoData = pixieData.measured.pixieSumByEachObject(['fixtureId', 'x']);
// OR
const pixieProtoData = pixieSumByEachObject(rawPixieData.measured, ['fixtureId', 'x']);

Expected Response

const pixieProtoData = [
  { x: 1517288270000, y: 0.00005306795, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125720-1', total: 1517288273080 },
  { x: 1538283573000, y: 0.00005302792, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125646-1', total: 1538283576080 },
  { x: 1539406636000, y: 0.00005295931, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125646-1', total: 1539406639080 },
  { x: 1540961905000, y: 0.00005306223, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125754-1', total: 1540961908080 },
  { x: 1543553939000, y: 0.00005297646, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125754-1', total: 1543553942080 }

pixieAddKey(key: T, value: T): Array;

const pixieProtoData = pixieData.measured.pixieAddKey('type', 'scatter');
// OR
const pixieProtoData = pixieAddKey(rawPixieData.measured, 'type', 'scatter');

Expected Response

const pixieProtoData = [
  { type: 'scatter', x: 1517288270000, y: 0.00005306795, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125720-1' },
  { type: 'scatter', x: 1538283573000, y: 0.00005302792, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125646-1' },
  { type: 'scatter', x: 1539406636000, y: 0.00005295931, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125646-1' },
  { type: 'scatter', x: 1540961905000, y: 0.00005306223, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125754-1' },
  { type: 'scatter', x: 1543553939000, y: 0.00005297646, fixtureId: 3080, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125754-1' }

pixieReplaceValue(key: T, value: T): Array;

const pixieProtoData = pixieData.measured.pixieReplaceValue('fixtureId', 1530);
// OR
const pixieProtoData = pixieReplaceValue(rawPixieData.measured, 'fixtureId', 1530);

Expected Response

const pixieProtoData = [
  { x: 1517288270000, y: 0.00005306795, fixtureId: 1530, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125720-1' },
  { x: 1538283573000, y: 0.00005302792, fixtureId: 1530, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125646-1' },
  { x: 1539406636000, y: 0.00005295931, fixtureId: 1530, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125646-1' },
  { x: 1540961905000, y: 0.00005306223, fixtureId: 1530, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125754-1' },
  { x: 1543553939000, y: 0.00005297646, fixtureId: 1530, nominal: 0.0000694, serialNumber: 'Omak_aa181030125754-1' }

pixiePluckIncrement(key: T, renameX?: T): Array;

const pixieProtoData = pixieData.measured.pixiePluckIncrement('y');
// OR
const pixieProtoData = pixiePluckIncrement(rawPixieData.measured, 'y');

Expected Response

const pixieProtoData = [
  { x: 0, y: 0.00005306795 },
  { x: 1, y: 0.00005302792 },
  { x: 2, y: 0.00005295931 },
  { x: 3, y: 0.00005306223 },
  { x: 4, y: 0.00005297646 }


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


MIT @ Brian Koh Ping Weng

FOSSA Status

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