0.4.1 • Published 4 years ago

pixijs-grid v0.4.1

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4 years ago


A utility class for drawing grids in PIXIJS.

Getting Started

You can run npm install pixijs-grid or simply clone this repository and use the code from dist.

Add pixijs-grid.js (from src/) to your project directory. In your HTML doc:

<script src="path/to/pixijs-grid.js"></script>

If you prefer ES Modules, you can import from path/to/pixijs-grid.mjs.


On default, PixiJSGrid simply renders a grid with white lines:

const grid = new PixiJSGrid(width).drawGrid();

A grid with white lines at the center of the PIXI view

You can also render the grid without boundary edges. This is useful if you want to draw multiple grids next to each other:

const grid = new PixiJSGrid(width);
grid.drawBoundaries = false;

A grid without boundary edges at the center of the PIXI view

PixiJSGrid extends the PIXI.Graphics class, so you can customize several properties of the grid such as lineStyle.

const grid = new PixiJSGrid(width);
// Color the grid red
grid.lineStyle({ width: 1, color: 0xff0000 });

A red grid at the center of the PIXI view




    width: number,
    cellSize?: number | null = null,
    lineStyle?: {
      width: number,
      color: number,
      alpha: number,
      alignment: number,
      native: boolean
    } = {
      width: 1,
      color: 0xffffff,
      alpha: 1,
      alignment: 0.5,
      native: true,
    useCorrectedWidth?: boolean = true,
    drawBoundaries?: boolean = true
  ): this


  • width: number. Required. The width of the grid.

    NOTE: The class calculates a "corrected" width to support the default size of the cells within the grid. If using the default cell size, the grid's width will be corrected to be the smallest square number greater than width.

  • cellSize?: number. The size of each cell in the grid. Defaults to sqrt(width).

  • lineStyle?: number. Configuration for the object's LineStyle object, which is inherited from PIXI.Graphics. See PIXIJS's documentation for options here.

  • useCorrectedWidth?: boolean. If false, override the grid's default behaviour, which is to use a corrected width (see the note on the width parameter for details) when cellSize is null.

  • drawBoundaries?: boolean. If false, the outermost lines of the grid will not be drawn. This is useful if you plan on tiling grids.


  drawGrid(): this

Draws the grid to the containing PIXI stage.


  clearGrid(retainLineStyle?: boolean = true): this

Erases the grid from the screen. Does not remove the grid object from the PIXI stage.


  • retainLineStyle?: boolean. If true, keep the grid's line style. Otherwise, the grid's line style will be cleared.


  getCellCoordinates(x: number, y: number): { x: number, y: number}

Converts global (x, y) coordinates into grid cell coordinates.



  get cellSize(): number
  set cellSize(cellSize: number | null)

Sets and gets the grid's cell size. If set to null, the grid will use the default, which is Math.sqrt(PixiJSGrid.correctedWidth).


  get amtLines(): number

Gets the amount of lines to be rendered by the grid. The value is equal to Math.floor(PixiJSGrid.gridWidth / grid.cellSize).


 get bounds(): { x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number } 

Gets the leftmost (x1), topmost (y1), rightmost (x2), and bottommost (y2) coordinates of the grid in global space.


  get drawBoundaries(): boolean
  set drawBoundaries(drawBoundaries: boolean)

Sets and gets whether the grid will draw the outermmost boundaries on a call to drawGrid().


  get gridWidth(): number

Gets the actual width of the grid. If the constructor argument useCorrectedWidth is set to false, it will always return the value given to the width constructor argument.

Otherwise, if the cellSize is at its default value, it will return PixiJSGrid.correctedWidth.


 get originalWidth(): number

Gets the value given to the width constructor argument.


  get correctedWidth(): number

Gets the smallest square number greater than PixiJSGrid.originalWidth. More specifically this is calculated by computing Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(this._gridWidth)) ** 2.


  onMouseMove(evt: PIXI.InteractionData, gridCoords: { x: number, y: number }): void

Set this function to handle onMouse move events.