1.0.2 • Published 1 year ago

pixoo64 v1.0.2

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1 year ago

🚀 Pixoo - A Node.js library for the PIXOO LED matrix

Pixoo is a powerful Node.js library for controlling the PIXOO LED matrix over HTTP. With Pixoo, you can easily draw pixels, text, and even images on the matrix with a simple and intuitive API.

📦 Installation

To install Pixoo, simply use npm:

npm install pixoo64

🔨 Usage

To use Pixoo, you'll need to know the IP address of your PIXOO matrix. Once you have that, you can create a new Pixoo instance like so:

const Pixoo = require('pixoo');
const pixoo = new Pixoo('');

From there, you can start using the various functions provided by Pixoo to draw on the matrix. For example, you can clear the matrix and draw a pixel like this:

pixoo.drawPixel([0, 0], [255, 0, 0]); // Draw a red pixel at (0, 0)

There are many more functions available, including ones for drawing text and images.

🤖 Simulation mode

Pixoo can also be used in simulation mode, which allows you to test and debug your code without the need for a physical PIXOO matrix. To use simulation mode, simply pass true as the second argument to the Pixoo constructor:

const  client = new  Pixoo("", 64, true, true, true);

(async () => {
    await  client.drawImage(__dirname + "/background.png")
    client.drawText("Hello World", [23, 4], [128, 255, 255])

    await  client.push();
    console.log("Saving sim...")
    const  outputPath = "sim.png";

In simulation mode, a virtual matrix will be displayed on a png.


Go checkout the examples folder. There are several examples like pong, snake and conways game of life.

🚀 Contributing

We welcome contributions to Pixoo! If you have an idea for a new feature or have found a bug, please open an issue. If you'd like to contribute code, please fork the repository and open a pull request.