1.0.3 • Published 4 years ago

piyay-custom-keyboard v1.0.3

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Apache 2.0 Licens...
Last release
4 years ago

Peanut Hub - Custom Keyboard

Download RC Version | Get Started | Guide | Report Issues

Unobstrive AngularJs/Ionic Component for Ionic 1

Note: Custom Keyboard is under active development. As such, while this library is well-tested, the API may change. Consider using it in production applications only if you're comfortable following a changelog and updating your usage accordingly.

Get Started

(1) Get Custom Keyboard in one of the following ways:

(2) Include peanuthub-custom-keyboard.js (or peanuthub-custom-keyboard.min.js) in your index.html

(3) Include peanuthub-custom-keyboard.css (or peanuthub-custom-keyboard.min.css) in your index.html

(4) Add peanuthub-custom-keyboard to your main module's list of dependencies

When you're done, your setup should look similar to the following:

<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
	<!-- IONIC STUFF -->
    <script src="lib/angular/angular.js"></script>
    <script src="lib/ngCordova/dist/ng-cordova.js"></script>
    <script src="lib/ionic/js/ionic.js"></script>
    <script src="lib/ionic/js/ionic-angular.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/ionic/css/ionic.css">
    <script src="lib/peanuthub-custom-keyboard.min.js"></script>
    <link href="lib/peanuthub-custom-keyboard.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
        angular.module('myApp', ['peanuthub-custom-keyboard'])
        //Add Custom Keyboard 
        .config(function($peanuthubCustomKeyboardProvider) {
          $peanuthubCustomKeyboardProvider.addCustomKeyboard('CUSTOM_SKU', {
          keys: [
           { type: "CHAR_KEY", value: "1" },
           { type: "CHAR_KEY", value: "2", label: "ABC" },
           { type: "CHAR_KEY", value: "3", label: "DEF" },
           { type: "CHAR_KEY", value: "4" },
           { type: "CHAR_KEY", value: "5" },
           { type: "CHAR_KEY", value: "6" },
           { type: "CHAR_KEY", value: "7" },
           { type: "CHAR_KEY", value: "8" },
           { type: "CHAR_KEY", value: "9" },
           { type: "CHAR_KEY", value: "X" },
           { type: "CHAR_KEY", value: "0" },
           { type: "DELETE_KEY", icon: "ion-backspace-outline" }

          //Add Custom Keyboard  With Directive Addon
        .config(function($peanuthubCustomKeyboardProvider) {
          $peanuthubCustomKeyboardProvider.addCustomKeyboard('KEYBOARD_WITH_ADDON', {
          keys: [
            { type: "CHAR_KEY", value: "1" },
            { type: "CHAR_KEY", value: "2", label: "ABC" },
            { type: "CHAR_KEY", value: "3", label: "DEF" },
            { type: "CHAR_KEY", value: "4" },
            { type: "CHAR_KEY", value: "5" },
            { type: "CHAR_KEY", value: "6" }
          addons: [{
            directive: "camera-read-addon",
            parameters: {
                "read-label": "Escanear código de barra"

    	keyboard-options="{doneText: 'Buscar', cleanTextOnClick: true}" 
    	placeholder="" />
    	keyboard-options="{keyboard:'CUSTOM_SKU', doneText: 'Ok', cleanTextOnClick: true, enableWAI:true, theme:'dark'}" 
    	placeholder="" />

Note: if you want the unstable version use: $ bower install https://bitbucket.org/peanuthub/peanuthub-custom-keyboard#master --save from your console

Report an Issue

Help us make Peanut Hub Components better! If you think you might have found a bug, or some other weirdness, start by making sure it hasn't already been reported. You can search through existing issues to see if someone's reported one similar to yours.

If not, then create a plunkr that demonstrates the problem (try to use as little code as possible: the more minimalist, the faster we can debug it).

Next, create a new issue that briefly explains the problem, and provides a bit of background as to the circumstances that triggered it. Don't forget to include the link to that plunkr you created!

Issues only!

Please keep in mind that the issue tracker is for issues. Please do not post an issue if you need help or support.


(1) See the Developing section below, to get the development version of the component up and running on your local machine.

(2) Check out the roadmap to see where the project is headed, and if your feature idea fits with where we're headed.

(4) Finally, commit some code and open a pull request. Code & commits should abide by the following rules:


  • Commits should represent one logical change each; if a feature goes through multiple iterations, squash your commits down to one
  • Changes should always respect the coding style of the project



 npm install & bower install
 grunt compile