1.1.5 • Published 2 years ago

pk-pattern-library v1.1.5

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Last release
2 years ago

wip : pk-pattern-library

Getting Started


const apos = require('apostrophe')({
  modules: {
    'my-pattern-library': { extend: 'pk-pattern-library' }

By default, visiting /styleguide will load the pattern library. This is configurable (see below).

Global Options

slug'/styleguide'Slug for visiting the pattern library.

Global data.json options for configuration

project_namenullstring: Name of the project
project_logonullstring: Optional logo for the navigation
hide_project_namenullboolean: Hides the project name, if you prefer a logo.
overviewarrayarray: contains an object configuration with introductory information.
groupsnullarray: contains a single group object, and your array of components.
componentsnullarray: a collection of components that you wish to include in your group.

Example of data.json for configuring component groups

    "project_name": "Test Project",
    "project_logo": "/image.png",
    "overview": [
        "name": "introduction",
        "title": "Introduction",
        "description": "This is a description"
    "groups": [
        "name": "typography",
        "title": "Typography",
        "description": "This is my description",
        "components": [
            "name": "typography/title-primary",
            "title": "Title Primary",
            "description": "This is another description",
            "options": {
                "size": "half"

Special Component Types

  • Colors is a special component that takes an array of hex values, or objects that contain information about the color. Available properties are
labelnullstring: Variable name
hexnullstring: Hex value
cmyknullstring or boolean: CMYK value, or if true, will automatically convert based on hex value.
gradientnullstring: Gradient css values
  "components": [
      "name": "colors",
      "title": "Colors",
      "colors": [
          "label": "Primary",
          "hex": "#000",
          "cmyk": true
          "label": "Secondary",
          "gradient": "linear-gradient(to bottom right, #472B8A, #834192)"
      "options": {
        "size": "full"

Other component options

sizenullstring: 'full' or 'half', displaying the components at either 50% or 100%
hide_code_blocknullboolean: hide the code block for the component
externalsnullarray of objects: provide a label and url pointing to any external file.
background_colornullhex value: make the area around the component something besides white #ffffff

CLI Command

Scaffold a component using this command, where group is the group name, and component is the component name. This will create a component.html and markdown.html file/folder structure, and append the data to data.json. The bare minimum required to render.

$ node app MODULE_NAME:create group component


LawCoin Styleguide