1.0.3 • Published 9 years ago
playr v1.0.3
// import the required modules
let Playr = new require('playr')
, FluffyAuthenticator = require('playr-fluffy-authenticator')
, FluffyRequestGenerator = require('playr-fluffy-request-generator')
// create a test scenario
let playbook = new Playr();
// the request strategy to use in order to be
// able to simululate random traffic patterns
// this takes the available threads and runs
// a random number at a given time of them
playbook.use(new RandomBurstStrategy({
variance: 10
// scales the load linear or using
// the pattern defined in the options
// this stratgey can be used in combination
// with other strategies
playbook.use(new SimpleStrategy({
0: 1
, 30: 60
, 100: 100
// you can limit the amount of requests sent
// in a specific time, requests that cannot
// be sent will be queued for n seconds and then
// discarded. once a request was discarded all
// following requests of the scenarion are omitted
// an the next instance is executed
playbook.use(new RequestRateLimiter());
// use fluffy authentication
playbook.use(new FlluffyAuthenticator(soa, 'roleName'));
// add a request generator that is executed beefore all others
playbook.run(new PlayrRequestScenario('/path/to/file').threads(1))
.and(new FluffyAPIEnumerator('http://cornercard.'))
.then(new PlayrRequestScenario(soa).threads(100).repeat(99).limit(300))
.then(new PlayrRequestScenario(soa))
.and(new PlayrRequestScenario(soa))
.and(new PlayrRequestScenario(soa))
.then(new PlayrRequestScenario(soa))
// run 4 hours
// the scenario should be executed 10 times
// enable scenario recording
// start the scenario