2.0.0-rc14 • Published 2 months ago

plexanisync-mapping-assistant v2.0.0-rc14

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2 months ago

PlexAniSync Mapping Assistant

TheMovieDB/TheTVDB Mapping Assistant for PlexAniSync, specifically, for contribution to the custom mappings project.


RickDB/PlexAniSync - GitHub RickDB/PlexAniSync-Custom-Mappings - GitHub


Step 1: Prerequisites

Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. If not, you can download and install them from Node.js official website.

Step 2: Clone the Repository

Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:

git clone https://github.com/Soitora/PlexAniSync-Mapping-Assistant.git

Step 3: Navigate to Project Directory

Change into the project directory:

cd PlexAniSync-Mapping-Assistant

Step 4: Install Dependencies

Run the following command to install project dependencies:

npm install

Step 5: Create .env file

Copy the provided .env.example file to a new file named .env:

cp .env.example .env

Step 6: Edit .env File

Open the .env file in a text editor and fill in the environment variables with appropriate values.


  • You do not need both TMDB_APIKEY and TVDB_APIKEY to run this, only one is required at minimum.
  • You do not need to tweak/add DUMMY_QUERY unless that doesn't work for you.
  • Both PLEX_TOKEN and PLEX_API is also optional, but highly recommended for guid in the output.

Step 7: Configuration

You can copy config/default.yaml.example as config/default.yaml to use custom settings. Read here for more regarding configuration files.


  • preferMetadata
    • Possible values: tmdb, tvdb
  • preferMedia
    • Possible values: tv, movie
  • copyResults
    • Possible values: true, false
  • saveResults
    • Possible values: true, false
  • inputFilePath
    • A valid path to a TXT input file, see the README example.
  • outputFilePath
    • A valid path for the output YAML files, see the README example.

Default config:

  preferMetadata: "tmdb"
  preferMedia: "tv"
  copyResults: "true"
  saveResults: "false"
  inputFilePath: "batch/input.txt"
  outputFilePath: "batch/output/"


Changing metadata agent

This is useful if you for example only want to use TVDB, and maybe always save results to a file as well, then you can change

  preferMetadata: "tvdb"
  saveResults: "true"
Changing output paths

This is useful if you for example you want the processed files to be output to a folder on your Desktop

  inputFilePath: "C:/Users/USER/Desktop/Scraper/input.txt"
  outputFilePath: "C:/Users/USER/Desktop/Scraper/"

Step 8: Run the Assistant

You can now run the mapping assistant using the following command:

npm run assistant

Auto-scraping (Optional)

If you would prefer to input a large number of IDs, and have the program output a file for you, you can do it using this script.

Make sure that you fill batch\input.txt with a newline-seperated list of IDs.

npm run auto

Debugging (Optional)

If you need to debug and test towards API directly, you can use the following command:

npm run debug

Testing (Optional)

To run tests to make sure the API is spitting out the correct information, use the following command:

npm test


  • assistant: Runs the assistant script
  • debug: Runs the debug script to see raw outputs of APIs


If you have any issues, please open a new issue in the Issues section of this repository.


Thank you to all the people who have contributed!
