0.0.8 • Published 5 years ago

pmpsdk v0.0.8

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5 years ago

PMP Javascript SDK

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A Node.JS module, providing a javascript API client for the Public Media Platform. Also includes an experimental browser-ready javascript package.


Install with the Node.JS package manager npm

$ npm install pmpsdk

or install via git clone:

$ git clone git://github.com/npr/pmp-js-sdk.git
$ cd pmp-js-sdk
$ npm install

Basic Usage

The PMP API Docs contain several examples of how to use the sdk. But it goes something like this...

var PmpSdk = require('pmpsdk');
var sdk = new PmpSdk({clientid: 'MYID', clientsecret: 'MYSECRET', host: 'https://api.pmp.io'});

sdk.fetchDoc('04224975-e93c-4b17-9df9-96db37d318f3', function(doc, resp) {
  console.log(resp.status);          // 200
  console.log(resp.success);         // true
  console.log(doc.attributes.guid);  // "04224975-e93c-4b17-9df9-96db37d318f3"
  console.log(doc.attributes.title); // "PMP Home Document"

  doc.attributes.title = "Foobar!";
  doc.save(true, function(doc, resp) {
    console.log(resp.status);  // 403 - since i can't write to the home doc
    console.log(resp.success); // false



The PmpSdk constructor simply takes an object of configuration options.

var sdk = new PmpSdk(config);
hostYesThe URL of the API to use; https://api.pmp.io or https://api-sandbox.pmp.io
clientidYesYour PMP client_id
clientsecretYesYour PMP client_secret
debugSet to "1" or "2" to have the SDK console.log debug request output.

HTTP Responses

In many cases, callbacks from the PmpSdk will include an "HTTP Response" object, in addition to other return values. This resp will always have the following format:

var resp = {
  status: 200,   // the HTTP status code
  success: true, // whether the request succeeded or failed, based on the status
  message: 'OK', // the success or error message of the request
  radix: { /* the json-decoded response body */ }


The PmpSdk may also return a doc with a response. This is a javascript class extending the CollectionDoc+Json object, with some additional methods allowing you to interact/navigate the PMP.

sdk.fetchDoc(SOME_GUID, function(doc, resp) {
  doc.followLink(doc.links.creator[0], function(creatorDoc, creatorResp) {

Note that all of these callbacks are function(doc, resp):

refresh(callback)Reload from the remote source.
followLink(urnOrObject, callback)Load a linked doc by URN or passing in the link object itself.
save(wait, callback)Save the document to the remote source. If wait is true, the callback resp.status will be 200. Otherwise it will be 202.
destroy(callback)Delete the document.

For "search" responses, there are some additional methods:

total()Return the total number of items on all pages of this search.
pages()Return the number of pages in this search.
pageNum()Return the current page number.
prev(callback)Calls followLink for the previous page.
next(callback)Calls followLink for the next page.
first(callback)Calls followLink for the first page.
last(callback)Calls followLink for the last page.

To create a new document, you just need to know what profile type you want to create.

var doc = sdk.newDoc('story');
doc.attributes.title = 'My story document';
doc.links.alternate = [{href: 'https://foobar.gov'}];
doc.save(true, function(doc, resp) {
  console.log(doc.attributes.guid);    // got auto-assigned a guid!
  console.log(doc.attributes.created); // it's all here!

Alternatively, you can new-and-save the doc all at once (though currently, you'd have to save it a 2nd time to set any links):

var putAttrs = {title: 'My story document', guid: '1234'};
sdk.createDoc('story', putAttrs, true, function(doc, resp) {
  console.log(doc.attributes.guid); // createDoc actually just updated an existing doc!


All these methods for querying the PMP have callbacks of function(doc, resp). Where resp is the usual HTTP Response object, and doc is an interactive CollectionDoc represention. If the resp was an error of some sort, doc will be null.

fetchHome(callback)Get the home document.
fetchDoc(guid, callback)Fetch any doc by guid.
fetchProfile(alias, callback)Fetch a profile by guid or alias.
fetchSchema(alias, callback)Fetch a schema by guid or alias.
fetchTopic(alias, callback)Fetch a topic by guid or alias.
fetchUser(alias, callback)Fetch a user by guid or alias.
queryDocs(params, callback)Search for any doc, with an object query fields.
queryCollection(alias, params, callback)Search for documents within a collection (by guid or alias).
queryGroups(params, callback)Search for groups.
queryProfiles(params, callback)Search for profiles.
querySchemas(params, callback)Search for schemas.
queryTopics(params, callback)Search for topics.
queryUsers(params, callback)Search for users.

You can also directly load a document/search by URL:

fetchUrl(url, callback)Directly load a document
queryUrl(url, callback)Directly load a search

Caching across requests

By default, every time you instantiate a PmpSdk, it's going to fire off (1) a request for the home document, and (2) a request for an oauth-token for your credential.

To avoid these redundant API calls, you can cache the SDK across request cycles:

sdk.serialize(function(str) {
  myCacheThingy.write('pmp-api', str);

// ... and then later ...
var cachedSdk = PmpSdk.unserialize(myCacheThingy.read('pmp-api'));
cachedSdk.fetchDoc( /* will only generate 1 request instead of 3 */ );

PMP Proxy

If you just want to explore the PMP, you can also proxy authentication locally. Make sure you've set the PMP_HOST PMP_CLIENT_ID and PMP_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables. And BAM! A click-through-able hypermedia API on http://localhost:8008!

$ source .env
$ gulp proxy

[10:44:22] Requiring external module coffee-script/register
[10:44:23] Using gulpfile ~/pmp-js-sdk/gulpfile.coffee
[10:44:23] Starting 'proxy'...
[10:44:23] Finished 'proxy' after 175 ms

 ... proxy listening on http://localhost:8008 ...

GET / -> https://api.pmp.io/
GET /docs?profile=story -> https://api.pmp.io/docs?profile=story

Issues and Contributing

Report any bugs or feature-requests via the issue tracker. Or send me a fax.

Get started contributing by running the tests! This module is tested/compiled using gulp.js. Check the gulpfile.coffee for the full list of commands. But to start, you need to set some environment variables:

export PMP_HOST=https://api-sandbox.pmp.io
export PMP_USERNAME=myusername
export PMP_PASSWORD=test1234

I'd recommend only running the tests in the api-sandbox environment, as they tend to cause a bit of churn while testing CRUD functionality. You can also add the above lines to a .env file, for easy re-use with a source .env command.

Then you can use gulp to run the tests, and other tasks:

$ gulp test       # run all tests
$ gulp build      # compile coffeescript
$ gulp browserify # compile experimental browser js


The pmp-js-sdk is free software, and may be redistributed under the MIT-LICENSE.

Thanks for listening!


5 years ago


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10 years ago


10 years ago