7.0.2 • Published 3 years ago

pngquant-bin-chn v7.0.2

Weekly downloads
Last release
3 years ago

⚠️ Warn

This is a branch created for developers who can't access raw.githubusercontent.com properly. If you have a good internet connection, we do not recommend using this package.


The default download site is https://npmmirror.com/mirrors or set to https://raw.githubusercontent.com/imagemin via the environment variable PNGQUANT_BINARY_SITE.

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pngquant is a PNG compressor that significantly reduces file sizes by converting images to a more efficient 8-bit PNG format

You probably want imagemin-pngquant instead.


$ npm install pngquant-bin

Make sure you have the correct version of libimagequant.

# via Homebrew for macOS
$ brew install libimagequant

# via apt-get for Debian distributions
$ sudo apt-get install libimagequant-dev


import {execFile} from 'node:child_process';
import pngquant from 'pngquant-bin';

execFile(pngquant, ['-o', 'output.png', 'input.png'], error => {
	console.log('Image minified!');


$ npm install --global pngquant-bin
$ pngquant --help

Updating pre-compiled binaries

The Linux binaries are statically linked so they should work on all Linux distributions. To recompile them:

  1. sudo apt-get install libpng-dev
  2. ./configure CFLAGS=-static && make && cp pngquant pngquant-64
  3. Repeat the above commands, but in a 32-bin docker container started with: docker run -ti -v pwd:/source i386/debian:9.3 bash