1.0.2 • Published 7 years ago

polyglotpt v1.0.2

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7 years ago

PolyglotPT (Polyglot Phrase Translater)

Who This Tool is Best Suited For

  • Users of PolyglotPT will most likely be using this tool alongside Polyglot to create Phrase objects.
  • Users who want to perform a translation from one phrase to multiple languages

Who this Tool is Not Suited For

If you need to perform a single phrase translation from one language to another it's best to use Google's Translate web interface or google-cloud/translate client libraries.


A command-line tool to Google translate a phrase or an object of phrases from one language to one or more languages. PolyglotPT is a library specifically used for Polyglot. This tool can take a file with a single object of deeply-nested keys and provide translations for all it's values.

For example, this object of English phrases:

module.exports = {
  nav: {
    title: 'Navigation Title',
    description: 'Navigation Description',
  title: 'Main Title',

Given to PolyglotPT with the options --to=es (Spanish) will be translated to:

module.exports = {
  'nav.title': 'Titulo principal',
  'nav.description': 'Título de navegación',
  'title': 'Navegación Descripción',

As you can see you can have a very deeply nested object of Polyglot Phrases that need translations! You can then take this outputted object and provide it to Polyglot to translate.


  • commander
  • google-translate-api


  • to install globally with npm use npm install -g polyglotpt
  • to install globally with yarn use yarn global add polyglotpt


Supported languages are specified in ISO-639-1

Translate a phrase

Translate a single phrase to one or more languages to the console:

ppt --phrase=<phrase> --from=<language> --to=<language[,language]>

Translate an object of phrases and output them to the console

Only a single to language can be executed at this time.

ppt --input=<file> --from=<language> --to=<language>

Translate an object of phrases and save them to an output file

Only a single to language can be executed at this time.

ppt --input=<file> --from=<language> --to=<language> --output=<file>

Translate an object of phrases but ignore all phrases that contain the ignoreToken value

Translate an input file of an exported object but ignore any values that contain the ignoreToken option. In Polyglot there are interpolation variables such as %{} that Google Translate fails to translate. All ignored values will be outputted to the console. These unfortunately must be translated another way.

ppt --input=<file> --from=<language> --to=<language> --ignoreToken=<token>


--from=<language>the language to translate fromtrueppt --from
--to=<language>[,<language>]the language to translate totrueppt --to=es, ppt --to=es,ru
--phrase=<phrase>the phrase to translatetrue if input is not providedppt --phrase='I love coffee'
--input=<file>the input file that contains an object of phrasestrue if phrase is not providedppt --input=./input.js
--output=<file>the ouput file to output the translations to. If not provided, it will be outputted to the consolefalseppt --output=./output.js
--ignoreTokens=<token>any phrase that contains the token will be ignoredfalseppt --ignoreTokens=%{


I'd be happy to accept PR's but please open a ticket (if it doesn't exist already) to discuss the bug, request, concern, questions, etc.


  • Write tests... of course!
  • replace google-translate-api with Google's google-cloud/translate library. This will require client's to provide their own Google Developer keys and secret.