0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

polymorphic-as v0.0.1

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4 years ago

Polymorphic as prop API standard PoC

If an API standard is something that the community is interested in pursuing, it probably makes sense for this to be it's own org run by the community.

I'm a fan of the polymorphic as prop. I've been using it in React Interactive since 2016 (I think this was the first occurrence), and since then it's seen wide spread use with Styled Components helping to popularize it. With multiple libraries implementing the polymorphic as prop, I think composability needs to be added to polymorphism (the lack of composability has already caused multiple issues, for example this Stitches issue). A standardized polymorphic API that libraries and components can implement would accomplish this, and would allow multiple polymorphic components to work together seamlessly.

The idea for this is something that I've been thinking about on and off for a bit, and was inspired by this clever styled function PoC by @jjenzz.

⚡️ API ideas ⚡️ Proof of concept npm package

Try out the proof of concept in CodeSandbox

API ideas

The API needs to define a standardized way to:

Determine at runtime if the API is implemented

In @jjenzz's styled PoC she calls the component function with a dummy as prop, and then checks the returned React Element's type to accomplish this. This is some quality hacking 😄 but I don't believe it will scale (there are too many edge cases, e.g. side effects when calling the function component, React components in the form of forwarded ref and memo objects, etc).

The simplest solution is probably to add a property to the component indicating support for the API (the polymorphicAsArray name will be explained in the next section).

const MyPolymorphicComponent = (/*...*/) => {

MyPolymorphicComponent.polymorphicAsArray = true;

// then at runtime in some other component we can do
if (SomeComponent.polymorphicAsArray === true) {
  // SomeComponent implements the polymorphic API

Create multilevel polymorphism

Polymorphic components can support multilevel polymorphism by accepting an array for the as prop.

  • A component that implements the polymorphicAsArray API would need to:
    • Accept an array for the as prop
    • Remove the first item from the as array and check if it supports the polymorphicAsArray API, if yes render it and pass through the remaining as array. If it doesn't implement the API, discard it, and check the next item. Repeat until either it finds a component that supports the polymorphicAsArray API, or it gets to the last item in the array, then always render it.
    • Or render a predefined component that supports the polymorphicAsArray API and pass through the as prop to that component untouched.
    • Set the polymorphicAsArray property on the component to true.
    • Implement additional requirements of the API like ref forwarding (not done in the below example).

Note that the PoC npm package exports a helper function polymorphicAsArrayUtil that implements the as array logic.

const PolymorphicComponent = ({ as = 'div', ...props }) => {
  let As;
  let asArray = [];

  if (!Array.isArray(as)) {
    As = as;
  } else {
    asArray = [...as];

    while (asArray.length > 0) {
      const item = asArray.shift();
      if (
        // item implements polymorphicAsArray API
        item?.polymorphicAsArray === true ||
        // item is the last item in the `as` array
        asArray.length === 0
      ) {
        As = item;

  // component logic...

  // if the asArray is empty, don't pass it through
  const passThroughAsProp = asArray.length === 0 ? undefined : asArray;

  return <As {...props} as={passThroughAsProp} />;

PolymorphicComponent.polymorphicAsArray = true;
// usage
// note that ButtonBase is also a polymorphic component
const App = () => (
  <MyPolymorphicComponent as={[ButtonBase, 'a']} href="#polymorphic">
    This renders MyPolymorphicComponent as a ButtonBase as an anchor tag

Merge two lines of polymorphism with a create function

A create polymorphic function can come in different flavors for different use cases with additional functionality. For example, a styled function that implements the polymorphicAsArray API would be a create function. Also, a create function can optionally support a default props argument (using composition, not the to-be-deprecated defaultProps property).

  • A create polymorphic function that implements the polymorphicAsArray API and merges two lines of polymorphism would need to:
    • Accept an as array as the first argument (additional arguments can be supported for specific functionality, e.g. a styles object, default props object, etc).
    • Return a component that:
      • Accepts an array for the as prop.
      • Appends the as prop to the end of the as array argument passed to the create function.
      • Renders the merged as array as describe above in Create multilevel polymorphism (render the first item that supports the polymorphicAsArray API and pass through the remaining array).
      • Has the polymorphicAsArray property set to true.
      • Implements additional requirements of the API like ref forwarding (not done in below example).

Note that the PoC npm package exports a helper function polymorphicAsArrayUtil that implements the as array logic.

const createPolymorphic = (defaultAs = 'div') => {
  const asArray = Array.isArray(defaultAs) ? [...defaultAs] : [defaultAs];

  // polymorphic component that's returned from the create function
  const PolymorphicComponent = ({ as, ...props }) => {
    if (as !== undefined) {
      // append the `as` prop to the end of the `defaultAs` argument
      Array.isArray(as) ? asArray.push(...as) : asArray.push(as);

    // same logic as in the above "Create multilevel polymorphism" example
    let As;
    while (asArray.length > 0) {
      const item = asArray.shift();
      if (
        // item implements polymorphicAsArray API
        item?.polymorphicAsArray === true ||
        // item is the last item in the `as` array
        asArray.length === 0
      ) {
        As = item;

    const passThroughAsProp = asArray.length === 0 ? undefined : asArray;

    return <As {...props} as={passThroughAsProp} />;

  PolymorphicComponent.polymorphicAsArray = true;
  return PolymorphicComponent;
// usage
// note that Interactive is also a polymorphic component
const ButtonBase = createPolymorphic([Interactive, 'button']);

const ButtonLink = createPolymorphic([ButtonBase, 'a']);

const ButtonLinkWithClosedApi = ({ disabled = false, href }) => (
    as={disabled ? 'span' : undefined}
    href={disabled ? undefined : href}

Proof of concept npm package

The polymorphic-as proof of concept npm package exports 3 functions:

  • polymorphicAsArrayUtil handles the logic of merging as arrays, selecting the As to render, and creating the passThroughAsProp.
  • createPolymorphic is a generic create polymorphic function that accepts a default props object.
  • styled is a create polymorphic function that composes component styles.


npm i --save polymorphic-as


Helper function to handle the logic of merging as arrays, selecting the As to render, and creating the passThroughAsProp.

polymorphicAsArrayUtil should be used by every component and create function that implements the polymorphicAsArray API.

import { polymorphicAsArrayUtil } from 'polymorphic-as';

const AsAndPassThroughAsProp = polymorphicAsArrayUtil({
  defaultAs, // the `as` argument from a create polymorphic function, optional
  as, // the `as` prop passed to a polymorphic component, optional

const {
  As, // <As /> to render
  passThroughAsProp, // `as` prop to pass to As, <As as={passThroughAsProp} />
} = AsAndPassThroughAsProp;
// using polymorphicAsArrayUtil in a polymorphic component

import { polymorphicAsArrayUtil } from 'polymorphic-as';

const MyPolymorphicComponent = React.forwardRef(
  ({ as = 'div', ...props }, ref) => {
    const { As, passThroughAsProp } = polymorphicAsArrayUtil({ as });

    // component logic...

    return <As {...props} as={passThroughAsProp} ref={ref} />;

MyPolymorphicComponent.polymorphicAsArray = true;
// using polymorphicAsArrayUtil in a create function

export const myPolymorphicCreateFunction = (defaultAs) => {
  // the polymorphic component that's returned from the create function
  const PolymorphicComponent = React.forwardRef(({ as, ...props }, ref) => {
    const { As, passThroughAsProp } = polymorphicAsArrayUtil({

    return <As {...props} as={passThroughAsProp} ref={ref} />;

  PolymorphicComponent.polymorphicAsArray = true;

  return PolymorphicComponent;


createPolymorphic is a generic create function that returns a polymorphic component which implements the polymorphicAsArray API. It also accepts a default props object as a second argument.

import { createPolymorphic } from 'polymorphic-as';

const PolymorphicComponent = createPolymorphic(as | as[], defaultPropsObject);
import { createPolymorphic } from 'polymorphic-as';

const MyButton = createPolymorphic('button', { className: 'my-button' });

const MyButtonLink = createPolymorphic([MyButton, 'a']);


Adapted from this styled function PoC by @jjenzz.

The intention of the styled function PoC is to demonstrate what's possible if a production styled function (e.g. Stitches' styled) implemented the polymorphicAsArray API.

styled is a create function that composes component styles (using inline styles) and returns a styled polymorphic component. It also accepts a default props object as a third argument.

import { styled } from 'polymorphic-as';

const StyledPolymorphicComponent = styled(as | as[], stylesObject, defaultPropsObject);
// button example

import { styled } from 'polymorphic-as';

const ButtonBase = styled('button', {
  padding: '10px 20px',
  border: '1px solid',
  borderRadius: '1000px',

const ButtonLink = styled([ButtonBase, 'a']);

const GreenButton = styled(ButtonBase, { color: 'green' });

const SubmitButton = styled(
  { fontWeight: 'bold' },
  { type: 'submit' },

const TopOfPageButton = styled(
  [ButtonBase, 'a'],
  { padding: '5px 10px' },
  { href: '#top', children: 'Top of Page' }, // default props
// text input example

import { styled } from 'polymorphic-as';

const TextInput = styled(
  { border: '1px solid', borderRadius: '4px' },
  { type: 'text' }, // default props


The proof of concept code is written is TypeScript but with a generous use of any (there are no inferred types from the as prop).

The polymorphic-as package does export a PolymorphicAsArrayForwardRefComponent type that can be used to type components that implement the polymorphic as array API, and a PolymorphicAsArrayProps type that the props interface can extend.

import {
} from 'polymorphic-as';

interface MyPolymorphicComponentProps extends PolymorphicAsArrayProps {
  someProp?: string;

// prettier-ignore
const MyPolymorphicComponent:
  PolymorphicAsArrayForwardRefComponent<MyPolymorphicComponentProps> =
  ({ as = 'div', someProp, ...props }, ref) => {
    const { As, passThroughAsProp } = polymorphicAsArrayUtil({ as });

    // component logic...

    return <As {...props} ref={ref} />;

MyPolymorphicComponent.polymorphicAsArray = true;