0.2.6 ā€¢ Published 5 years ago

polymorphic-tests v0.2.6

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Last release
5 years ago

Polymorphic test framework for JS by Wizard Enterprises.

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See also polymorphic-web-component-tests.

Setting Up

Install with npm i -D polymorphic-tests or yarn add -D polymorphic-tests.

Once polymorphic-tests is installed, run ./node_modules/.bin/polytest init to configure your project.

This tool depends on stage-0 decorators, implemented through either Babel or TypeScript. This is configured automatically through the init command, but configuring TypeScript or Babel is left to the user (see examples).

Running is done simply through ./node_modules/.bin/polytest run. This can be added to your npm scripts (and is during init, if it's not defined) for added convenience.


The init command generates a polytest.js file in your project, which exports configuration for running your tests. See ./node_modules/.bin/polytest help run for nearly full options.

Nearly because the run --setup flag only accepts globs to setup files, while the polytest.js#setup field can additionally accept plain old functions to run during setup.

Writing Tests

This section assumes you understand polymorphism through class extension in JS.

Simple Test

Tests are written in classes extending TestSuite, and must both extend TestSuite and be decorated with the @Suite() decorator, for reasons that will be explained below.

Note: test methods may always return a promise to be awaited.

import {Test, Suite, TestSuite} from 'polymorphic-tests'

@Suite() class MySuite extends TestSuite {
  @Test() '1 + 1 = 2'(t) {
    t.expect(add(1, 1).to.equal(2)

function add(x, y) {
  return x + y

t.expect here is from the Chai Assertion Library. t also includes Chai's should and assert APIs. Chai can be configured further by configuring setup, see Configuring.


Test suites can contain other test suites.

import {Test, Suite, SubSuite, TestSuite} from 'polymorphic-tests'

@Suite() class Calculator extends TestSuite {
  @Test() 'calculator exists'(t) {

@SubSuite(Calculator) class Add extends TestSuite {
  @Test() '3 + 3 = 6'(t) {
    t.expect(calculate('+', 3, 3)).to.equal(6)

@SubSuite(Calculator) class Multiply extends TestSuite {
  @Test() '3 * 3 = 9'(t) {
    t.expect(calculate('*', 3, 3)).to.equal(9)

function calculate(operation: string, x: number, y: number) {
  return eval(x + operation + y)

Note that sub-suites still extend TestSuite and not their parent suites! This is be explained below.

This is mostly useful for reporting and for test selection and filtering.

Test Selection and Filtering

The @Suite, @SubSuite, and @Test decorators can all recieve as their last argument an options config with flags skip and only, e.g. @Test({skip: true}), @SubSuite(MyParentSuite, {only: true}).

The only flag is not global. This means decorating a test entity with it only applies inside that entity's suite. Currently there is no global only flag.

The skip flag skips the decorated test entity and any children it might have, taking complete priority over only.

So for example:

import {Test, Suite, SubSuite, TestSuite} from 'polymorphic-tests'

@Suite() class RootWithEntitiesWithFlags extends TestSuite {
  @Test() 'skipped because of sibling suite with only'(t) {}

@SubSuite(RootWithEntitiesWithFlags) class SkippedBecauseOfSiblingWithOnly extends TestSuite {}

@SubSuite(RootWithEntitiesWithFlags, {only: true}) class SuiteWithOnly extends TestSuite {
  @Test() 'runs normally'(t) {}
  @Test({skip: true}) 'still skipped'(t) {}

@Suite({skip: true}) class SkippedRoot extends TestSuite {}

@Suite() class UnaffectedRoot extends TestSuite {
  @Test() 'runs normally'(t) {}

Lifecycle Hooks

Every test suite exposes these hook methods for extending. It's good practice to always call super.lifecycleHook() when you override one of these.

Note: hook methods may always return a promise to be awaited.

import {Test, Suite, TestSuite} from 'polymorphic-tests'

@Suite() class MySuite extends TestSuite {
  static onDecorate() {
    // called when MySuite gets decorated

  setup() {
    // called once when MySuite starts running

  before(t) {
    // called before every test

  @Test() 'some test'(t) {}

  after(t) {
    // called after every test

  teardown() {
    // called once when MySuite ends

Hooks still run after a test fails. This is important for cleanup purposes, but be aware that if an error gets thrown during after and teardown it will be reported and your test error will be swallowed.

Extending TestSuite

Test suites being implemented as classes allows sharing all sorts of common boilerplate very easily through polymorphically implementing lifecycle hooks. For a full-fledged example of this, see polymorphic-web-component-tests.

Another use for extending TestSuite is inheriting tests, in addition to boilerplate.

import {Test, Suite, TestSuite} from 'polymorphic-tests'

abstract class CustomTestSuite extends TestSuite {
  abstract testString: string
  abstract expectedLength: number

  @Test() 'my test'(t) {

At this point, by design, no tests will run. This is because CustomTestSuite wasn't decorated with the Suite or SubSuite decorators for registration, so our test has no parent. This allows us to do this:

import {Test, Suite} from 'polymorphic-tests'
import {CustomTestSuite} from '...'

@Suite() class FirstSuite extends CustomTestSuite {
  testString = 'foo'
  expectedLength = 3

@Suite() class SecondSuite extends CustomTestSuite {
  testString = 'longer'
  expectedLength = 6

Note that here, FirstSuite#my test and SecondSuite#my test will run, but CustomTestSuite#my test will never run.


šŸ‘¤ homunculus@wizard.enterprises

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šŸ“ License

Copyright Ā© 2019 homunculus@wizard.enterprises. This project is ISC licensed.