1.1.1 • Published 1 year ago

poolz-locked-deal-v2 v1.1.1

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1 year ago

Locked Deal V2

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Smart contract for secure storage of ERC20 tokens.



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Admin settings

Whitelist address

Problem: Admin has set the payment price for creating a pool, but it is necessary that certain addresses don't pay.

Solution: Create a whitelist of addresses that don't pay and integrate it with Locked-pools.

  • The default whitelist address is zero
  • We can set only contract that implements IWhiteList interface.
    function setWhiteListAddress(address _address) external;

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Non-paid token

Locked-pools can uses three manual whitelists. One of them is a whitelist for tokens that are exempt from paying fees.

    function setTokenFeeWhiteListId(uint256 _id) external;

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Security token filter

If someone is trying to lock tokens that damage the contract, we can create a whitelist of tokens that can only be used to create a locked pool.

    function setTokenFilterWhiteListId(uint256 _id) external;

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User without fee

Setting a whitelist ID for users who are exempt from paying fees.

    function setUserWhiteListId(uint256 _id) external;

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Max transaction limit

There is a restriction on the implementation of mass locked pools.

    // by default, the maximum transaction limit is 400
    function setMaxTransactionLimit(uint256 _newLimit) external;

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Enable/Disable token filter

    // by default the token filter is disabled
    function swapTokenFilter() external;

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Pool owner settings

Transfer of ownership of locked tokens

After using PoolTransfer, a new locked-pool of tokens is created based on the previous one, but with a new owner.

    function PoolTransfer(uint256 _PoolId, address _NewOwner)

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Splitting a pool amount

When you splitting a pool, it creates a new pool with splitted amount, in the original pool, the amount is reduced by the amount of the new pool.

    function SplitPoolAmount(
        uint256 _PoolId,
        uint256 _NewAmount,
        address _NewOwner
    ) external returns(uint256)

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Approving an allowance

Using the ApproveAllowance function, we can allocate an amount for non-owner addresses to split the pool.

    function ApproveAllowance(
        uint256 _PoolId,
        uint256 _Amount,
        address _Spender
    ) external;

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User settings

Creating a new pool

CreateNewPool() function allows us to create a new pool for locking tokens. If it is needed you have to pay some fee for creation.

    function CreateNewPool(
        address _Token, // Token address to lock
        uint256 _StartTime, // Until what time a pool will start
        uint256 _FinishTime, // Until what time a pool will end
        uint256 _StartAmount, // Total amount of the tokens to sell in a pool
        address _Owner // Token owner
    ) external payable;

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Creating an array of pools

CreateMassPool() function allows us to create an array of pools for locking tokens.

    function CreateMassPools(
        address _Token,
        uint256[] calldata _StartTime,
        uint256[] calldata _FinishTime,
        uint256[] calldata _StartAmount,
        address[] calldata _Owner
    )   external payable;

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Creating an array of pools with respect to finish time

    function CreatePoolsWrtTime(
        address _Token,
        uint256[] calldata _StartTime,
        uint256[] calldata _FinishTime,
        uint256[] calldata _StartAmount,
        address[] calldata _Owner
    )   external payable

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Getting my pools' ids by a token

Find pool IDs by specifying token addresses.

    function GetMyPoolsIdByToken(address[] memory _tokens)
        returns (uint256[] memory);

Getting a pools' data

Each element of the Pool array will return:

    function GetPoolsData(uint256[] memory _ids)
        returns (Pool[] memory)

Is Token without fee

If _tokenAddress returns true, we don't need to pay to create the pool.

    function isTokenWithoutFee(address _tokenAddress) public view returns(bool);

Check token validation

If false is returned, the token cannot be used in a locked pool.

    function isTokenWhiteListed(address _tokenAddress) public view returns(bool);

Does the user have to pay a commission?

Returns true if _UserAddress have allocation in WhiteList.

    function isUserWithoutFee(address _UserAddress) public view returns(bool);

Gettting a pool data

There is a way how to get a pool data.

        function AllPoolz(uint256 _id)
        returns (
            uint256, // StartTime
            uint256, // FinishTime
            uint256, // StartAmount
            uint256, // DebitedAmount
            address, // Owner
            address  // Token

Getting all my pools' ids

The function returns an array of all your pools IDs.

    function GetAllMyPoolsId() public view returns (uint256[] memory);

Getting my pools ids

Returns only your pools with a balance.

    function GetMyPoolsId() public view returns (uint256[] memory);

Withdrawing a token

The WithdrawToken() function allows you to withdraw tokens if the pool is over, provided they are still in the pool.

    function WithdrawToken(uint256 _PoolId) external returns (bool);

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Getting a withdrawable amount

See how many tokens can be unlocked in a pool.

    function getWithdrawableAmount(uint256 _PoolId) public view returns(uint256)

Splitting a pool amount from already an existing pool's allowance for a user.

When splitting a pool, the existing allowance for a user in the pool will be reduced by the specified amount.

        function SplitPoolAmountFrom(
        uint256 _PoolId,
        uint256 _Amount,
        address _Address
    ) external returns(uint256);

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Getting allowance

There is a way how to get a pool allowance.

    function Allowance(uint256 _PoolId, address _Address) public view returns(uint256);


The-Poolz Contracts is released under the MIT License.