0.0.1-alpha.11 • Published 5 years ago

poss-sdk v0.0.1-alpha.11

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5 years ago


Node.js SDK for PPIO storage service.


ppio.js is the Node.js SDK for PPIO. It provides an encapsulation of JSON-RPC interface provided by the PPIO executable.

Note: developers who want to use this SDK need to have the PPIO executable.

Getting started

Prepare your PPIO wallet account

You must have a PPIO wallet account first to play with PPIO's products and this library. There is a guide on how to generate a PPIO wallet account and get the keystore and passphrase of it.


npm install ppio

Download ppio

Since ppio.js does not provide the PPIO executable, you need to get it from our website or from your terminal:

  • Windows
    Download the binary from here.
      poss.exe --help
  • Mac OsX
      curl -o poss https://resource.testnet.pp.io/poss/release/macos/latest/poss
      chmod +x poss
      ./poss --help
  • Linux
      curl -o poss https://resource.testnet.pp.io/poss/release/linux-amd64/latest/poss
      chmod +x poss
      ./poss --help

Initialize and start service

You need to initialize a PPIO directroy and start the PPIO daemon service from it.

You can do these by PPIO CLI:

  • macOS or Linux

    # import your keystore into PPIO CLI
    ./poss init --keystore=[the absolute path of your keystore file] --datadir='path/to/ppio-dir'
    # start the PPIO service
    ./poss start --key-passphrase=[your passphrase] --datadir='path/to/ppio-dir'


    # import your wallet user credentials into PPIO CLI and start the PPIO service background
    ./poss start --keystore=[the absolute path of your keystore file] --key-passphrase=[your passphrase] --datadir='path/to/ppio-dir'
  • Windows

    # import your wallet user credentials into PPIO CLI
    poss.exe init init --keystore=[the absolute path of your keystore file] --datadir='path/to/ppio-dir'
    # start the PPIO service background
    poss.exe start --key-passphrase=[your passphrase] --datadir='path/to/ppio-dir'
    # import your wallet user credentials into PPIO CLI and start the PPIO service background
    poss.exe start --keystore=[the absolute path of your keystore file] --key-passphrase=[your passphrase] --datadir='path/to/ppio-dir'

    You can get keystore and passphrase from your PPIO wallet. This is the guide Complete CLI configuration can be found in PPIO CLI documentation.

You can also do these by this SDK(only in Node.js environment):

const Ppio = require('ppio')
const ppio = new Ppio({
  ppioExecutablePath: 'path/to/ppio/executable',
  datadir: 'path/to/ppio-dir'
  keystore: [your keystore file],
  passphrase: [your passphrase],
  datadir: 'path/to/ppio-dir'

Check all available Ppio constructor options in Configuration

Create a bucket

You need to create a bucket to upload objects.

ppio.callMethod('CreateBucket', { bucket: 'test-bucket' })

Put an object

ppio.callMethod('PutObject', {
  bucket: 'test-bucket',
  key: 'testfile.abc',
  body: 'path/to/the/test/file',
  chiprice: 100,
  copies: 5,
  expires: new Date('2020-01-01').toISOString(),

This will upload the file you specified in body, with 5 copies, store it until 2020-01-01, and with a key of testfile.abc.

Get an object

ppio.callMethod('GetObject', {
  bucket: 'test-bucket',
  key: 'testfile.abc',
  chiprice: 100,
  outfile: 'path/to/the/destination',

This will download the file testfile.abc to path/to/the/destination.

Stop the daemon


This will stop the daemon you started with startDaemon(). You can provide an rpcport to stop a specific daemon.


Creating an instance

const Ppio = require('ppio')
const ppio = new Ppio({
  ppioExecutablePath: 'path/to/ppio/executable',
  rpcport: 18060,


optionsobjectThe options of the Ppio instance
options.ppioExecutablePathstringThe path of the ppio executable.
options.rpcportnumberThe RPC port of a running PPIO daemon. If you are running PPIO daemon from the terminal, use this to indicate the RPC port the daemon is listening.
options.debugbooleanWhether to open debug mode of the SDK. Setting to true will show all logs inside the SDK and PPIO executable.
options.bucketnumberThe default bucket name. Will be used on all RPC methods which need bucket parameter unless specified.

Initialize a data directory

  datadir: 'path/to/ppio-dir',

initDaemon() will create a folder(path/to/ppio-dir) in which PPIO will store user's data(keystore, logs, etc). You can check the initial configuration in poss.conf under the datadir you provided. Though optional, it is highly recommended that you specify a different datadir for every account.

Complete configuration can be found in the PPIO CLI Reference.

::: warning NOTE: The ppioExecutablePath parameter must be provided when creating the instance. :::

Starting a PPIO daemon

  'datadir': '.ppio-demo',

This will start a PPIO daemon. If you do not specify the RPC port or TCP/UDP port, a default port 18060 will be used.

Complete configuration can be found in PPIO CLI Reference.

::: warning NOTE: The ppioExecutablePath parameter must be provided when creating the instance. testnet will be set to "test" by default unless you set isMainnet to true, for we are currently running on testnet. :::

Stopping the daemon

ppio.callMethod('StopDaemon', { rpcport: 18060 })

This will stop a PPIO daemon listening the specified rpcport. If rpcport is not provided, ppio.js will use the rpcport remembered when startDaemon() was called last time.

Complete configuration can be found in PPIO JSON-RPC API Reference.

PPIO RPC Interface

ppio.callMethod([method name], parameters)

All methods available in PPIO RPC interface can be accessed through callMethod method, and all parameters are documented in the Reference



Set the PPIO executable path. It can be accessed via ppio.ppioPath which can also be set by creating the Ppio instance with the ppioExecutablePath parameter.



This will save a default bucket so you do not have to specify it every time when you want to modify an object. You can use this method if you want the user to use only one bucket in your app.



This will save a default RPC port number, then, unless specified, every callMethod call will use it as the default rpcport parameter. So you do not have to specify it every time. Remember to start a daemon before calling this method.



The path of the PPIO executable.


Will be set after startDaemon resolves. Or if you create a ppio instance with rpcport option, that port will be set to this property. So only create an instance with rpcport when there is a daemon running and you know the RPC port it's listening. When calling startDaemon, if ppio.runningDaemonPort is not 0, ppio daemon will not be started for there is already a daemon running. And stopping a daemon will set it to 0.


Some base parameters of ppio. May include:

  • rpcport: The RPC port listened by the daemon, set after the daemon is started, will be merged in callMethod method params.
  • bucket: The default bucket name, will be merged in callMethod method params.
  • indexerUrl: The indexer url, will be automatically set after startDaemon

5 years ago


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5 years ago