0.3.0 • Published 8 years ago

postcss-plumber v0.3.0

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Last release
8 years ago

Postcss plugin for Plumber


Create better looking documents and speed up CSS development by adding vertical rhythm to your page.

Looking for the SASS version? Go to https://jamonserrano.github.io/plumber-sass


Install with npm or Yarn:

$ npm install postcss-plumber --save-dev

$ yarn add postcss-plumber --dev


1. Decide on the vertical grid height you will use in the unit of your choice (pixels or rems are recommended).

2. Look up the baseline ratio of your font family in the table or use the measure tool. For example the value for Roboto is 0.158203.

3. Add Plumber to your postcss plugins (refer to the documentation of postcss and your preferred build tool):

// gulpfile.js

4. Include the @plumber rule in your styles and specify parameters as properties: font size as a fraction, line height, top and bottom leadings as multiples of the grid height:

p {
	@plumber {
		grid-height: 1rem;
		baseline: 0.158203;
		font-size: 1.75;
		line-height: 3;
		leading-top: 1;
		leading-bottom: 2;
	font-family: Roboto, sans-serif;

This will output the following CSS:

p {
	font-size: 1.75rem;
	line-height: 3rem;
	margin-top: 0;
	padding-top: 0.901855rem;
	padding-bottom: 0.098145rem;
	margin-bottom: 2rem;
	font-family: Roboto, sans-serif;

Default settings

To avoid repetition set up default values in the plugin configuration:

// gulpfile.js
		gridHeight: '1rem',
		baseline: 0.158203,
		fontSize: 1.75,
		lineHeight: 3,
		leadingTop: 1,
		leadingBottom: 2
p {
	/* use default values */

li {
	/* override leadings */
	@plumber {
		leading-top: 0;
		leading-bottom: 1;

Using multiple fonts

When using multiple font families just add different baseline parameters:

p {
	@plumber {
		baseline: 0.158203;
	font-family: Roboto, sans-serif;

blockquote {
	@plumber {
		baseline: 0.151123;
	font-family: Georgia, serif;

Responsive typography

For responsive typography define the grid height in rems or other relative units, and metrics will change along.

// gulpfile.js
		gridHeight: '1rem',
		fontSize: 1.75
html {
	font-size: 8px;
	// grid height => 8px, font size => 14px
	@media min-width: 641px) {
		font-size: 12px;
		// grid-height => 12px, font size => 21px

Alternative leading calculation

Leadings are measured from the top and bottom edges of the text block by default. To measure them from the baseline, set useBaselineOrigin: true in the plugin options:

// gulpfile.js
		useBaselineOrigin: 1

… or use-baseline-origin: 1 in your css:

p {
	@plumber {
		use-baseline-origin: 1;



Due to rounding and browser rendering it’s entirely possible that the text will not sit exactly on the baseline. Following these guidelines will get you closer to pixel perfection:

  • Define grid height in pixels, or as a multiple of the base font height.
  • Use a grid height with many divisors.
  • Use font sizes that produce whole numbers with the grid height.

If you have access to the OpenType metrics of the font you can calculate a more precise baseline ratio with the following formula: (UnitsPerEm − hhea.Ascender − hhea.Descender) / (2 × UnitsPerEm)

Varying baseline among fonts in the same family

Although some weights or styles in the same family can sit on different baselines, it’s generally fine to use the one for the regular font. If pixel perfection is important, set individual baselines for each font.

Viewport-specific units

While supported, using vh, vw, vmin, vmax for the grid height can lead to catastrophic results.

Collapsing margins

Plumber’s use of collapsing margins makes it possible to set the minimum distance between blocks of texts. If you don’t need this, you can set either leading-top or leading-bottom to 0.

CSS validity

If you need valid CSS before processing, use custom properties in the @plumber rule:

p {
	@plumber {
		--grid-height: 1rem;
		--baseline: 0.158203;
		--font-size: 1.75;
		--line-height: 3;
		--leading-top: 1;
		--leading-bottom: 2;



The main rule.

Properties: All parameters are optional, default values can be set in the plugin options.

CSS (JS) propertyDescriptionTypeDefault value
baseline (baseline)Baseline ratioFraction between 0 and 1—*
font-size (fontSize)Font size as a fraction of grid heightPositive number2
grid-height (gridHeight)Grid heightAny unit1rem
leading-top (leadingTop)Top leading as a multiple of grid heightInteger0
leading-bottom (leadingBottom)Bottom leading as a multiple of grid heightInteger0
line-height (lineHeight)Line height as a multiple of grid heightPositive integer3
use-baseline-origin (useBaselineOrigin)Set the origin of leadings to the baseline0 or 10

* Baseline must be provided either in the plugin options or in the rule properties.

† Leadings are measured from either the baseline or the edges of the text block, depending on the use-baseline-origin (useBaselineOrigin) setting.

‡ The default value is always calculated so there will be no visible gap above or below the text block.

Output: font-size, line-height, margin-top, padding-top, padding-bottom, margin-bottom properties with the same unit as the grid height.


MIT License