1.0.1 • Published 2 years ago
postcss-px-to-viewport-vite-plugin v1.0.1
使用 postcss-px-to-viewport 控制台报以下代码
开启landscape: true,postcss.atRule报错问题
postcss-px-to-viewport: postcss.plugin was deprecated. Migration guide: https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/postcss-px-to-viewport-vite-plugin
postcss-px-to-viewport 替换 postcss-px-to-viewport-vite-plugin
"postcss": "^8.3.8", // 8.0.0版本都不会转单位
"postcss-loader": "^6.1.1",
npm install postcss-px-to-viewport-vite-plugin -D
yarn add postcss-px-to-viewport-vite-plugin -D
使用与 postcss-px-to-viewport 一致
unitToConvert: 'px',
viewportWidth: 320,
unitPrecision: 5,
propList: ['*'],
viewportUnit: 'vw',
fontViewportUnit: 'vw',
selectorBlackList: [],
minPixelValue: 1,
mediaQuery: false,
replace: true,
exclude: [],
landscape: false,
landscapeUnit: 'vw',
landscapeWidth: 568
- unitToConvert (String) unit to convert, by default, it is px.
- viewportWidth (Number) The width of the viewport.
- unitPrecision (Number) The decimal numbers to allow the vw units to grow to.
- propList (Array) The properties that can change from px to vw.
- Values need to be exact matches.
- Use wildcard to enable all properties. Example: ['']
- Use * at the start or end of a word. ('position' will match background-position-y)
- Use ! to not match a property. Example: '*', '!letter-spacing'
- Combine the "not" prefix with the other prefixes. Example: '', '!font'
- viewportUnit (String) Expected units.
- fontViewportUnit (String) Expected units for font.
- selectorBlackList (Array) The selectors to ignore and leave as px.
- minPixelValue (Number) Set the minimum pixel value to replace.
- mediaQuery (Boolean) Allow px to be converted in media queries.
- replace (Boolean) replaces rules containing vw instead of adding fallbacks.
- exclude (Array or Regexp) Ignore some files like 'node_modules'
- If value is regexp, will ignore the matches files.
- If value is array, the elements of the array are regexp.
- landscape (Boolean) Adds @media (orientation: landscape) with values converted via landscapeWidth.
- landscapeUnit (String) Expected unit for landscape option
- landscapeWidth (Number) Viewport width for landscape orientation.
与 PostCss 配置文件一起使用
添加到您的 postcss.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: {
'postcss-px-to-viewport-vite-plugin': {
// options
author: lkx