0.0.1 • Published 9 years ago

pouchdb-quorum v0.0.1

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Last release
9 years ago

PouchDB Plugin Seed

Build Status


This plugin is not ready for use!

To use this plugin, include it after pouchdb.js in your HTML page:

<script src="pouchdb.js"></script>
<script src="pouchdb.quorum.js"></script>

Or to use it in Node.js, just npm install it:

npm install pouchdb-quorum

And then attach it to the PouchDB object:

var PouchDB = require('pouchdb');

Getting Started

Working on it.


npm install
npm run build

Your plugin is now located at dist/pouchdb.mypluginname.js and dist/pouchdb.mypluginname.min.js and is ready for distribution.


In Node

This will run the tests in Node using LevelDB:

npm test

You can also check for 100% code coverage using:

npm run coverage

If you don't like the coverage results, change the values from 100 to something else in package.json, or add /*istanbul ignore */ comments.

If you have mocha installed globally you can run single test with:

TEST_DB=local mocha --reporter spec --grep search_phrase

The TEST_DB environment variable specifies the database that PouchDB should use (see package.json).

In the browser

Run npm run dev and then point your favorite browser to

The query param ?grep=mysearch will search for tests matching mysearch.

Automated browser tests

You can run e.g.

CLIENT=selenium:firefox npm test
CLIENT=selenium:phantomjs npm test

This will run the tests automatically and the process will exit with a 0 or a 1 when it's done. Firefox uses IndexedDB, and PhantomJS uses WebSQL.