0.0.1 • Published 7 years ago
pow-pow v0.0.1
Pow Pow
A Rate Limiter backed by Redis for use with Riot API projects
npm i --save pow-pow
const redis = require('redis');
// see src/regions.ts for valid regions
const limiter = new RateLimiter('euw', '20:1,2000:60', redis.createClient());
// init() loads the Lua scripts to Redis
limiter.init().then(() => {
// see src/limits.ts for default methods
// you can also pass no arguments to not use a method limit
.then(limiterResults => {
// proceed with your request
// ...
// optionally you may inspect the rate limiter result objects
limiterResults.forEach(res => {
const {key, remaining, total, reset} = res;
.catch(err => {
if (err.hasOwnProperty('after')) {
// Rate limit was hit, reset is in epoch miliseconds
const {key, after, reset} = err;
console.log(`${key} limiter was hit, retry after ${after} seconds`);
7 years ago