1.25.0-dev.1 • Published 2 years ago

pp_test_mulu v1.25.0-dev.1

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2 years ago


SiigoApi - JavaScript client for siigo_api Siigo Api v1 This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: v1
  • Package version: 0.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen


Using Node.js

npm install siigo_api --save

Getting Started

Initialization, add only one time in your project setup

With this configuration, the SDK will establish communication with the Siigo APIs, internally it is in charge of obtaining the access token for the calls to the APIs
import * as SiigoApi from 'siigo_api';

// initial configuration for the SDK  
  basePath: "The base URL for call APIs", // https://services.siigo.com/alliances/api
  urlSignIn: "The full url sign-in",       // https://services.siigo.com/alliances/api/siigoapi-users/v1/sign-in
  userName: "The user name to sign-in",   // testname
  accessKey: "The access key to sign-in", // euy3423uykwjehqwuywj

Example of use

- calls with promises

import * as SiigoApi from 'siigo_api';

let apiInstance = new SiigoApi.AccountGroupsApi();

apiInstance.getAccountGroups().then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}, (error) => {

- calls with async await

import * as SiigoApi from 'siigo_api';

async function main(){
  try {
    let apiInstance = new SiigoApi.AccountGroupsApi();
    const data = await apiInstance.getAccountGroups();
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
  } catch (error) {

Documentation for API Endpoints

ClassMethodHTTP requestDescription
SiigoApi.AccountGroupsApigetAccountGroupsGET /v1/account-groupsGets a list of AccountGroups.
SiigoApi.CostCenterApigetCostCentersGET /v1/cost-centersGets a list of Cost Centers.
SiigoApi.CreditNoteApicreateCreditNotePOST /v1/credit-notesCreates a Credit Note.
SiigoApi.CreditNoteApigetCreditNoteGET /v1/credit-notes/{id}Gets a CreditNote by GUID.
SiigoApi.CreditNoteApigetCreditNotePdfGET /v1/credit-notes/{id}/pdfGets a Credit Note PDF by GUID.
SiigoApi.CreditNoteApigetCreditNotesGET /v1/credit-notesGets a list of Credit Notes with pagination.
SiigoApi.CustomerApicreateCustomerPOST /v1/customersCreates a Customer.
SiigoApi.CustomerApideleteCustomerDELETE /v1/customers/{id}Deletes a Customer by GUID.
SiigoApi.CustomerApigetCustomerGET /v1/customers/{id}Gets a Customer by GUID.
SiigoApi.CustomerApigetCustomersGET /v1/customersGets a list of Customers.
SiigoApi.CustomerApiupdateCustomerPUT /v1/customers/{id}Updates a Customer by GUID.
SiigoApi.DocumentTypeApigetDocumentTypesGET /v1/document-typesGets a list of Document Types.
SiigoApi.FixedAssetsApigetAssetGroupsGET /v1/asset-groupsGets a list of fixed assets.
SiigoApi.FixedAssetsApigetFixedAssetsGET /v1/fixed-assetsGets a list of fixed assets.
SiigoApi.InvoiceApicreateInvoicePOST /v1/invoicesCreates an Invoice.
SiigoApi.InvoiceApigetInvoiceGET /v1/invoices/{id}Gets an Invoice by GUID.
SiigoApi.InvoiceApigetInvoiceErrorsGET /v1/invoices/{id}/stamp/errorsGet errors for a rejected invoice by GUID.
SiigoApi.InvoiceApigetInvoicePDFGET /v1/invoices/{id}/pdfGets an Invoice PDF by GUID.
SiigoApi.InvoiceApigetInvoicesGET /v1/invoicesGets a list of Invoices with pagination.
SiigoApi.JournalEntryApicreateJournalPOST /v1/journalsCreates JournalEntry.
SiigoApi.JournalEntryApigetJournalGET /v1/journals/{id}Gets a Journal by GUID.
SiigoApi.JournalEntryApigetJournalsGET /v1/journalsGets a list of Journals Entry with pagination.
SiigoApi.PaymentTypesApigetPaymentTypesGET /v1/payment-typesGet a list of Payment Types.
SiigoApi.PriceListsApigetPriceListGET /v1/price-listsGet a list of Price Lists.
SiigoApi.ProductApicreateProductPOST /v1/productsCreates a produc
SiigoApi.ProductApideleteProductDELETE /v1/products/{id}Deletes a Product by GUID
SiigoApi.ProductApigetProductGET /v1/products/{id}Gets a Product by GUID.
SiigoApi.ProductApigetProductsGET /v1/productsGets a list of Products with pagination.
SiigoApi.ProductApiupdateProductPUT /v1/products/{id}Updates a Product by GUID
SiigoApi.TaxesApigetTaxesGET /v1/taxesGets a list of Taxes.
SiigoApi.UsersApigetUsersGET /v1/usersGets a list of Users with pagination.
SiigoApi.VoucherApicreateVoucherPOST /v1/vouchersCreates a Voucher.
SiigoApi.VoucherApigetVoucherGET /v1/vouchers/{id}Gets a Voucher by GUID.
SiigoApi.VoucherApigetVouchersGET /v1/vouchersGets a list of Vouchers with pagination.
SiigoApi.WarehousesApigetProductWarehouseGET /v1/warehousesGets a list of Warehouses.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: Bearer authentication

2 years ago