pptxtemplater v1.0.5
The pptxtemplater modifies PowerPoint template and provided data before docxtemplater generates the final version of the document.
This module can be used only in combination with docxtemplater.
Use npm install to get the module
npm install docxtemplater --save
npm install pptxtemplater --save
In your code use the pptxtemplater as a module:
let pptxTemplaterModule = require('pptxtemplater');
let doc = new this.Docxtemplater(content);
- nodejs - v6.0 and higher
- docxtemplater - v2.1
There are two new features added to the standard functionality of docxtemplater:
Split PowerPoint table slides
You can now split one long table into multiple slides with the smaller number of table rows. To do so, you have to provide maximal number of rows in your template that should be shown on one slide.
Duplicate PowerPoint slides
If you have a slide which should be duplicated dynamically depending on provided data you can use "multiplier" tag: $
. Each slide, containing this tag will be as many times duplicated as many entries are stored in the array with the same name.
If there are no data for this tag, this slide will be deleted.
Here is an example:
For data
"COUNTRY": "Germany",
"Region": "Berlin",
"ZIP": "55014",
"Revenue": "€93896.94"
}, {
"Region": "Saxony-Anhalt",
"ZIP": "30652",
"Revenue": "€51759.11"
}, {
"Region": "HH",
"ZIP": "05652",
"Revenue": "€51355.41"
"COUNTRY": "Austria",
"Region": "Bgl",
"ZIP": "8571",
"Revenue": "€77899.04"
"Region": "Vienna",
"ZIP": "4403",
"Revenue": "€77276.25"
"Region": "Vienna",
"ZIP": "9122",
"Revenue": "€48795.89"
Contributions are greatly appreciated. See CONTRIBUTING for details
How to obtain support
Feel free to open new issues for feature requests, bugs or general feedback on the GitHub issues page of this project.
This project is licensed under the Apache Software License, v. 2 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file