1.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

praos-briefcase v1.0.1

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago

Praos Briefcase : A professional briefcase module of praos health application .


install node module

 Run npm install

install bower

Run bower install

build application

Run gulp

install module in your application using bower

bower install https://git.praoshealth.com/praoshealth/praos-briefcase.git --save

update module to fetch latest module update

bower update praos-briefcase 

Use in application .

include bower component to make available for application use after install

 in gulpfile.js
 1. inside vendorScripts - add below url  
     1. 'app/bower_components/praos-briefcase/dist/praos-briefcase.js'
     2. 'app/bower_components/praos-briefcase/dist/praos-briefcase-template.js'
 2. inside styles - add below url for css implementation 
     1. 'app/bower_components/praos-briefcase/dist/praos-briefcase.css'
     Add into index.html .

include module in your application .

 in app.js 
 include in module - praos.briefcase  
 eg : angular.module('myApp', ['praos.briefcase])
 in route.js

set base url to hit api

in route.js 

1. include briefcaseConstants in route .

  eg: - myApp.config('briefcaseConstants', function ( briefcaseConstants) {
2. inside function - set base url 

  briefcaseConstants.BASE_URL = API.url;

pass object to proas-briefcase module

  1. include briefcaseService

    eg: - myApp.controller('briefcaseService', function ( briefcaseService) {

  2. set object

    briefcaseService.briefcaseObj = ;

use directive in your html

 <praos-briefcase user-role="nurse" view-type="edit"></praos-briefcase>  


Build doc

gulp docs

Note: Run npm install if gulp-ngdocs dependency has not been installed yet.

Run doc server

gulp connect-docs

open link to see documentation in browser
