0.0.6 • Published 8 years ago

preact-flyd v0.0.6

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Last release
8 years ago


Inspired by theadam/react-flyd

Allows for flyd streams to be embedded directly into JSX, and to update content when the streams fire events.

List Example

import { render } from 'preact';
import { h } from 'preact-flyd';
import { stream, scan, merge} from 'flyd';

let items$ = stream([1,2,3,4,5,])

function List() {
  return (
        <button id="plus" onClick={e => items$(items$().concat(Math.random()))}>+</button>
        {items$.map(items => items.map(item => <li key={item}>{item}</li>))}

render(<List />, document.getElementById('app'));

Several Concept:

Self Control Element a self control element means a valid vnode stream like: {item$.map(item => <div>{item}</div>)}. In fact, it runs like this:

  {item$.map(item => <div>{item}</div>)}

// will be like

class ReactiveClass extends Component {
  some lifecycle methods to manage the stream as state
  render() {
    return <div {...this.props}>{this.state.item}</div>
<div><ReactiveClass /></div>

Since render returning a string is accepted in preact, a string stream is also be treated as a self control element.

Parent Control Element a parent control element means a not valid vnode stream like: {list$.map(list => list.map(item => <li key={item}>{item}</li>))}. In fact, it runs like:

  {list$.map(list => list.map(item => <li key={item}>{item}</li>))}

// will be like

class ReactiveClass extends Component {
  some lifecycle methods to manage the stream as state
  render() {
    return <ul>{this.state.children}</ul> // we have change the children from a stream to it's value
<ReactiveClass />

And of course, self control element consume less than parent control element, but just a little. You needn't worry about it too much.


use streams created in render method rather than outter streams... Just see the example use_streams_created_in_render_rather_than_out_of_it

Terribly sorry about above description, it's wrong. I must be drunk when I wrote it even though I do not drink alcohol. Well, in fact, what I want to notice you is BE CAREFUL OF MEMORY LEAKING.

There is an example. Some tips is:

  1. Don't transform the stream's component type:
a$(<div />)
// now, a$ will be treated as a self control element, then you can
a$(<span />)
// but you cann't
a$([<div></div>, <div></div>])
the rule is: the init value will define the stream's component type. If it's null, string, preact vnode, it's a self control element. Otherwise, it's parent control element. A self control element can only has valid value(null, string, vnode), but a parent control element can has any type value.
  1. Be careful of memory leaking:

    A self control element stream can be created in render method with just one stream.map(no more than one level). But a parent control element must be created outside of render.


8 years ago


8 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago