0.2.3 • Published 6 years ago
presidium-js v0.2.3
React.js components for Presidium.
Build and Publish
Requires npm
to build, test and publish components to a local instance of presidium-core
Install required dependencies:
$ npm install
To start a local server for testing components:
$ npm start
To watch changes and automatically copy bundle to ../presidium-template
(or any other library that uses presidium.js
$ npm run watch:local-copy
//Note: the file copy defaults to "presidium-template". To update, simply edit "webpack.config.js".
To publish components to a local instance of ../presidium-core
$ npm run publish:core
To watch changes and automatically publish to ../presidium-core
$ npm run watch:local
$ npm run watch:core
$ mocha --compilers js:babel-core/register --recursive test/