1.0.6 • Published 1 month ago

primepack v1.0.6

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1 month ago

Full-stack solutions for Node.js and JavaScript.

Introducing primepack - the ultimate solution for developing a robust full-stack application using NodeJS and Javascript. With its advanced features like Fetch, Validation, File Upload, Email, Encryption, and much more, primepack simplifies the entire development process. Don't let your backend and frontend application lag behind - So, get started on your project with primepack now!


import { Fetch } from "primepack"; // Only Server // Only Client
import { Fetch } from "primepack/client"; // Only Client

async function API_Handler(request, response){

  const path = "https://www.example.com/api/test"; // The API endpoint URL.
  const options = {  // Options object are optional
    method: "GET", // "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "PATCH" | "HEAD" | "OPTIONS" | string - Default: GET.
    body: null, // Anything you want to send to the server.
    formData: undefined, // Use formData instead of the body when sending "new FormData()".
    headers: { // You can customize the headers as per your preference.
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      "Accept": "application/json",
      ... // Add more headers
    cache: "default", // "force-cache" | "no-cache" | "no-store" | "only-if-cached" | "reload" | "default" - Default: default.
    keepalive: false, // boolean - Default: false.
    responseObject: false // Set true if you want to get the response object - Default: false.

  const response = await Fetch(path, options);

  // Output:
    status: 200, // Response status.
    body: object, // Response body.

  // Note: To get the original response object, set the "responseObject" option to "true".


Sources: validator.

import { Validator } from "primepack"; // Only Server
import { Validator } from "primepack/client"; // Only Client

Validator.isEmpty(value: string, options?: validator.IsEmptyOptions) => boolean; // Check if the string has a length of zero.
Validator.isSlug(text: string) => boolean; // Check if the string is of export type slug.
Validator.isEmail(text: string, options?: validator.IsEmailOptions) => boolean; // Check if the string is an email.
Validator.isStrongPassword(text: string, options?: (validator.StrongPasswordOptions & { returnScore?: false })) => boolean; // 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase letter, 1 number and 1 special character.
Validator.isAlpha(text: string, locale?: validator.AlphaLocale, options?: validator.IsAlphaOptions) => boolean; // Check if the string contains only letters (a-zA-Z).
Validator.isNumeric(value: string, options?: validator.IsNumericOptions) => boolean; // Check if the string contains only numbers.
Validator.isAlphanumeric(text: string, locale?: validator.AlphanumericLocale, options?: validator.IsAlphanumericOptions) => boolean; // Check if the string contains only letters and numbers.
Validator.isBoolean(value: string) => boolean; // check if a string is a boolean.
Validator.isFloat(text: string, options?: validator.IsFloatOptions) => boolean; // Check if the string is a float.
Validator.isDecimal(text: string, options?: validator.IsDecimalOptions) => boolean; // Check if the string represents a decimal number, such as 0.1, .3, 1.1, 1.00003, 4.0 etc.
Validator.isDate(text: string, options?: validator.IsDateOptions) => boolean; // Check if the string is a valid date.
Validator.isLowercase(text: string) => boolean; // Check if the string is lowercase.
Validator.isUppercase(text: string) => boolean; // Check if the string is uppercase.
Validator.isMobilePhone(value: string, locale?: "any" | validator.MobilePhoneLocale | validator.MobilePhoneLocale[], options?: validator.IsMobilePhoneOptions) => boolean; // Check if the string is a mobile phone number.
Validator.isIMEI(number: string, options?: validator.IsIMEIOptions) => boolean; // Check if the string is a valid IMEI. Non-hyphenated (###############) only is supported by default. Use the options param to enable hyphenated (##-######-######-#) support.
Validator.isBIC(text: string) => boolean; // Check if a string is a BIC (Bank Identification Code) or SWIFT code.
Validator.isCreditCard(number: string, options?: validator.IsCreditCardOptions) => boolean; // Check if the string is a credit card.
Validator.isCurrency(text: string, options?: validator.IsCurrencyOptions) => boolean; // Check if the string is a valid currency amount.
Validator.isJSON(value: string) => boolean; // Check if the string is valid JSON (note: uses JSON.parse).
Validator.isJWT(value: string) => boolean; // Check if the string is valid JWT token.
Validator.isMongoId(text: string) => boolean; //Check if the string is a valid hex-encoded representation of a MongoDB ObjectId.
Validator.isFQDN(value: string, options?: validator.IsFQDNOptions) => boolean; // Check if the string is a fully qualified domain name (e.g. domain.com).
Validator.isIP(value: string, version?: validator.IPVersion) => boolean; // Check if the string is an IP (version 4 or 6).
Validator.isMACAddress(value: string, options?: validator.IsMACAddressOptions) => boolean; // Check if the string is a MAC address.
Validator.isIPRange(value: string, version?: validator.IPVersion) => boolean; // Check if the string is an IP Range (version 4 or 6).
Validator.isPort(value: string) => boolean; // Check if the string is a valid port number.
Validator.isURL(text: string, options?: validator.IsURLOptions) => boolean; // Check if the string is an URL.
Validator.isDataURI(value: string) => boolean; // Check if the string is a data uri format.
Validator.contains(text: string, seed: any, options?: validator.ContainsOptions) => boolean; // Check if the string contains the seed.
Validator.matches(text: string, pattern: RegExp) => boolean; // Check if string matches the pattern.
Validator.equals(text: string, comparison: string) => boolean; // Check if the string matches the comparison.
Validator.isBefore(date: string, comparison?: string) => boolean; // Check if the string is a date that's before the specified date.
Validator.isAfter(date: string, comparison?: string) => boolean; // Check if the string is a date that's after the specified date.
Validator.isDivisibleBy(value: string, number: number) => boolean; // Check if the string is a number that's divisible by another.
Validator.isEAN(value: string) => boolean; // Check if the string is an EAN (European Article Number).

Group Validation

Sources: validator.

import { GroupValidator, Validator } from "primepack"; // Only Server
import { GroupValidator, Validator } from "primepack/client"; // Only Client

const validated = GroupValidator([
    name: "string", // Input field name or any name.
    message: "string", // Custom message or leave the field empty.
    validate: Validator.isEmpty(""), // Place the validator function that you would like to validate.
  ... // Add more validation


// Valid Output: If all the validations are correct, the output will be an empty array.

// Invalid Output: If any field is invalid, the output will be an array of all invalid fields.
        name: "", // The name you provide.
        message: "" // The message you provide.
    ... // More invalid fields


Sources: validator.

import { Sanitizer } from "primepack"; // Only Server
import { Sanitizer } from "primepack/client"; // Only Client

Sanitizer.toPath(value: string) => string; // Blacklist: `~!@#$%^&*()_+=/*+{[]}|\\;:<>,.? and space replaced with "-"
Sanitizer.toString(value: any) => string; // Convert to string
Sanitizer.toText(value: any) => string; // Convert to a string after removing "`~!@#$%^&*()<>" special characters.
Sanitizer.toNumber(value: any) => number | bigint; // Convert to number
Sanitizer.toBoolean(value: any) => boolean; // Convert to boolean
Sanitizer.blacklist(value: string, chars?: string) => string; // Default : `~!@#$%^&*()<>
Sanitizer.whitelist(value: string, chars: string) => string; // Specify the characters you want to allow
Sanitizer.escape(value: string) => string; // Replace <, >, &, ', " and / with HTML entities.
Sanitizer.trim(value: string, chars?: string) => string; // Trim characters from the left-side of the input.
Sanitizer.ltrim(value: string, chars?: string) => string; // Trim characters from the left-side of the input.
Sanitizer.rtrim(value: string, chars?: string) => string; // Trim characters from the right-side of the input.
Sanitizer.normalizeEmail(email: string) => string; // Convert a string to an email that follows the standard email pattern.
Sanitizer.unescape(value: string) => string; // replace HTML encoded entities with <, >, &, ', " and /.
Sanitizer.slice(value: string, start: number, end?: number) => string; // Get specific text in a string.
Sanitizer.substring(value: string, start: number, end?: number) => string; // Get specific text in a string.
Sanitizer.split(value: string, separator: string | RegExp, limit?: number) => string[]; // Make an array from a string by slicing separator characters.
Sanitizer.replace(value: string, search: string | RegExp, replace: string) => string; // Find and replace in a string.
Sanitizer.replaceAll(value: string, search: string | RegExp, replace: string) => string; // Find and replace all in a string.

JSON Web Token (JWT)

Sources: jsonwebtoken.

import { JWT } from "primepack"; // Only Server

await JWT.encrypt(
  payload, // object
  secret, // Secret key to encrypt and decrypt jwt. Store the secret key in the .env file.
  options: { // Options are optional
    algorithm: "HS256", // Default : HS256.
    expiresIn: "7d", // string | number - Default : 1 Week.
    subject: undefined, // string - Default : undefined.
    allowInsecureKeySizes: undefined, // boolean - Default : undefined.
    allowInvalidAsymmetricKeyTypes: undefined, // boolean - Default : undefined.
    audience: undefined, // string | string[] - Default : undefined.
    encoding: undefined, // string - Default : undefined.
    header: undefined, // jsonwebtoken.JwtHeader - Default : undefined.
    issuer: undefined, // string - Default : undefined.
    jwtid: undefined, // string - Default : undefined.
    keyid: undefined, // string - Default : undefined.
    mutatePayload: undefined, // boolean - Default : undefined.
    notBefore: undefined, // string | number - Default : undefined.
    noTimestamp: undefined, // boolean - Default : undefined.

await JWT.decrypt(
  token, // string - Encrypted JWT token.
  secret, // Secret key to encrypt and decrypt jwt. Store the secret key in the .env file.


Sources: crypto-js.

import { Encrypt } from "primepack"; // Only Server

await Encrypt.encrypt(text: string, secret: string, algorithm?: "AES" | "Rabbit" | "RC4" | "RC4Drop") => string; // Default algorithm AES
await Encrypt.decrypt(encrypted: string, secret: string, algorithm?: "AES" | "Rabbit" | "RC4" | "RC4Drop") => string; // Default algorithm AES


Sources: bcrypt.

import { Hash } from "primepack"; // Only Server

await Hash.make(text: string, rounds?: number) => string; // Default rounds 10
await Hash.compare(text: string, hashed: string) => string;

File Management

Sources: formidable.

import { File } from "primepack"; // Only Server

// Options object are optional
const options {
  filename?: string; // custom filename : Default: automatic generated.
  extensions?: string[]; // Supported file type. E.G. ["png", "jpg", ...] // Default: all types supported.
  maxFiles?: number; // Set a limit on the number of files that can be uploaded at once. // Default: 1 file.
  maxFileSize?: number; // Set a maximum size for each file in bytes. // Default: 200 * 1024 * 1024 (200mb)
  maxTotalFileSize?: number // Set a maximum size for all files in bytes. // Default: Depends on each file size.
await File.upload(
  request: Request, // The request object
  field: string, // Specify the name of the file parameter.
  directory: string, // Provide the folder name where you would like the files to be stored. Note: Start from your project root directory.
  options // Options object are optional
// Output:
  success: boolean; // Status of operations.
  message: string; // Success or error message.
  body: any; // Request body.
  errors?: { // Error object: when only there are an or more errors.
    directory?: boolean; // When the directory cannot be found.
    extensions?: boolean; // When file type does not match with a specific type.
    maxFiles?: boolean; // If the files exceeds the maximum files limit.
    maxFileSize?: boolean; // If the file size exceeds the maximum file size limit.
    maxTotalFileSize?: boolean; // If the all files size exceeds the maximum files size limit.
  uploads?: [
    { // Uploads object: when only there are all success.
      filepath: string; // The file complete path.
      filename: string; // The file name.
      type: string; // Type of file. E.G. "image/jpg".
      size: number // Total size of this file.
    ... // More files.
// ~ "New feature on version ^1.0.6"
import { File } from "primepack"; // Only Server

await File.delete(filepath: string);
// Output:
  success: boolean; // Status of operations.
  message: string; // Success or error message.

Local Storage

import { LocalStorage } from "primepack/client"; // Only Client

LocalStorage.make(name: string, value: string) => boolean;
LocalStorage.find(name: string) => string | null;
LocalStorage.update(name: string, value: string) => boolean;
LocalStorage.remove(name: string) => boolean;


Sources: cookie.

import { Cookie } from "primepack"; // Only Server
import { Cookie } from "primepack/client"; // Only Client

// Create Example
function API(request, response) {
  // Options object are optional
  const options = {
    domain: undefined, // string - Default: undefined
    encode: undefined, // (value: string) => string - Default: undefined
    maxAge: 60 * 60, // number - Default: 1 Hour
    expires: undefined, // Date - Default: undefined
    httpOnly: true, // boolean - Default: true
    partitioned: false, // boolean - Default: false
    path: "/", // string - Default: "/"
    priority: "Medium", // "Low" | "Medium" | "High" - Default: "Medium"
    sameSite: true, // boolean | "lax" | "strict" | "none" - Default: true
    secure: true, // boolean - Default: true
  const makeCookie = Cookie.make("name", "data", options);
  response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", makeCookie);

// Find Example
function API(request, response) {
  // Options object are optional
  const options = {
    decode: undefined, // (value: string) => string - Default: undefined
  const findCookie = Cookie.find("name", request.headers["cookie"], options);

// FindAll Example
function API(request, response) {
  // Options object are optional
  const options = {
    decode: undefined, // (value: string) => string - Default: undefined
  const findAllCookie = Cookie.findAll(request.headers["cookie"], options);
  // Output: {name: "Value", name2: "Value2", ...} or {}

// Update Example
function API(request, response) {
  // Options object are optional
  const options = {
    domain: undefined, // string - Default: undefined
    encode: undefined, // (value: string) => string - Default: undefined
    maxAge: 60 * 60, // number - Default: 1 Hour
    expires: undefined, // Date - Default: undefined
    httpOnly: true, // boolean - Default: true
    partitioned: false, // boolean - Default: false
    path: "/", // string - Default: "/"
    priority: "Medium", // "Low" | "Medium" | "High" - Default: "Medium"
    sameSite: true, // boolean | "lax" | "strict" | "none" - Default: true
    secure: true, // boolean - Default: true
  const updateCookie = Cookie.update("name", "data", options);
  response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", updateCookie);

// Remove Example
function API(request, response) {
  const removeCookie = Cookie.remove("name");
  response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", removeCookie);


Sources: nodemailer.

import { Mail } from "primepack"; // Only Server

await Mail(
  process.env.MAIL_ADDRESS, // Your email address. E.G. myemail@example.com
  "example@example.com, another@example.com, ...", // Receivers email address.
  "Subject", // Subject of E-Mail.
  "Body or Template", // Plain text or a HTML template.
  process.env.MAIL_HOST, // Your mail server host name. E.G. smtp.gmail.com
  process.env.MAIL_PORT, // Your mail server port number. E.G: 136
  credentials: {
    user: process.env.MAIL_USER, // Your mail server user name
    pass: process.env.MAIL_PASS, // Your mail server user password
    ssl: true | false // Default: true

Random Numbers Generator

import { Random } from "primepack"; // Only Server
import { Random } from "primepack/client"; // Only Client

await Random(10); // Generate a random number.
// Output: A5C36F64G6

User Agent

Sources: useragent and request-ip.

import { Agent } from "primepack"; // Only Server

function API(request, response) => {
  const userAgent = Agent(request);
  // Output:
    browser: string; // Users browser with version.
    os: string; // Operating system such as Android or iOS with version.
    device: string; // Users device such as Mobile or Computer with version.
    ip: string // Users IP address, IPv4 or IPv6.

Version History


The primepack has released version 1.0.6 which includes a new feature File.delete(). For more information, refer to the File Management documentation.


The primepack has released version 1.0.5 which separated server and client actions. Server actions include Fetch Validator GroupValidator Sanitizer Hash Encrypt Cookie Agent Mail JWT Random File from primepack, while client actions include Fetch, Validator, GroupValidator, Sanitizer, Cookie, LocalStorage, Random from primepack/client.


The primepack has released a new version 1.0.4, with an important update to File Management. The 1.0.4 version extends the body field in the file upload response object. To learn more, read the File Management documentation.

v1.0.3 (Stable)

The version 1.0.3 is stable, which means that the primepack 1.0.3 is now ready for your project!