0.0.2 • Published 26 days ago

prisma-generator-go-jet v0.0.2

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26 days ago

Prisma Generator for Go Jet

This repository hosts a generator for the Prisma ORM to generate Go Jet code. Prisma is a modern database toolkit used for data access in various applications and services. This generator specifically targets Go Jet, which is a SQL query builder for the Go programming language.


To use this generator, you must first install it. You can install it using your package manager of choice if you haven't already:

yarn add prisma-generator-go-jet

Once the generator is installed, replace the default client generator in your schema.prisma file with the following:

generator go-jet {
    provider = "prisma-generator-go-jet"

    // Optionally provide a destination directory for the generated file
    // and a filename of your choice
    output = "../types"

    // Optionally change which packages enums, models or tables are generated to,
    // relative to the output
    outputModels = "model"
    outputTables = "table"
    outputEnums = "enum"

    // Optionally change which schema your database is using
    schemaName = "public"


After generating the code, you can use it within your Go project. The generated code includes models, tables, and enums based on your Prisma schema. For more information how to use this, read the go-jet documentation.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any improvements or bug fixes, feel free to open a pull request. Please make sure to follow the existing code style and write tests for any new functionality.

Here's a short summary to get your started with your contributions:

  • Fork and pull the repository
  • Go to the packages/generator and packages/usage folders separately.
  • Inside generator:

    • Run yarn install and yarn dev to start dts in watch mode.
    • Make changes to the source code
  • Inside usage:

    • Make some modifications to the prisma/schema.prisma schema.
    • Run yarn prisma generate and check the output in types/*.

Done! Once you've got some changes, create a pull request and I'll try my best to review and merge them quickly!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • This generator would not have been possible without the great efforts made by the go-jet documentation team! The generator they have built into go-jet is awesome, however it lacks the contextual information that Prisma can provide. It makes perfect sense to use Prisma to migrate your database, then use the built-in generator from go-jet to create your types, but I wanted to eliminate the extra step and instead do everything in one go, hence this generator was made.
  • The amazing prisma-ast parser, which allows this generator from extracting additional data, otherwise unavailable in the Prisma DMMF representation of the schema. Go give it a star!
  • Lots of inspiration from other generators, such as prisma-kysely, zod-prisma-types, and more, so thanks for creating awesome generators for Prisma!