1.0.4 • Published 11 months ago

prisma-vercel-kv v1.0.4

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11 months ago

prisma-vercel-kv Extension for Prisma Client

prisma-vercel-kv is an npm package that enhances Prisma Client by adding caching capabilities with Vercel KV as the storage solution. It provides a simple and efficient way to cache database read operations and invalidate them when writes occur, thereby optimizing the performance of your applications.


  • Read Operation Caching: Caches the results of read operations to reduce database load.
  • Write Operation Cache Invalidation: Automatically invalidates cache upon any write operation to maintain data integrity.
  • Environment-based TTL Configuration: Easily configure cache expiration through environment variables.
  • Seamless Vercel KV Integration: Built to integrate effortlessly with Vercel's distributed key-value store.


Install prisma-vercel-kv by running the following command in your project:

npm install prisma-vercel-kv

Ensure that you have Prisma Client set up in your project, as prisma-vercel-kv is designed to extend its functionality. Also make sure you have Vercel KV installed, and the appropriate .env vars set up in your project for authentication.


Create an extended Prisma Client instance with prisma-vercel-kv to leverage caching in your database operations.

Creating an Extended Client

import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client';
import { PrismaVercelKV } from 'prisma-vercel-kv';

const prisma = new PrismaClient();

const prismaWithKV = prisma.$extends(PrismaVercelKV);

Performing Queries with Caching

With the extended client, perform your queries as usual, and prisma-vercel-kv will handle caching:

// Cached read operation
const users = await prismaWithKV.user.findMany();

// Write operation that triggers cache invalidation
await prismaWithKV.user.create({
  data: { name: 'Dana', email: 'dana@example.com' },

Cache Invalidation

prisma-vercel-kv ensures that the cache is invalidated appropriately after write operations to guarantee that subsequent reads fetch the latest data.


To set the Time-To-Live (TTL) for cache entries, define PRISMA_VERCEL_KV_TTL in your .env file:

# .env
PRISMA_VERCEL_KV_TTL=86400 # TTL in seconds, e.g., 86400 for 24 hours

Adjust the TTL according to your application's caching requirements. It is set to 3600 by default.


  • Assumes JSON-compatible serialization of cached data.
  • Does not support nested operations within the query extension type.
  • Broad cache invalidation may affect more cache entries than necessary for certain types of write operations.


We welcome contributions to prisma-vercel-kv. Visit the GitHub repository to report issues, suggest features, or make pull requests.


prisma-vercel-kv is available under the MIT License. Refer to the LICENSE file in the GitHub repository for detailed information.

For comprehensive guidance on Prisma Client extensions, consult the Prisma documentation.


11 months ago


11 months ago


11 months ago


11 months ago


11 months ago