1.1.2 • Published 4 years ago

prismarine-tokens-fixed v1.1.2

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Last release
4 years ago


Store and use authentication tokens instead of passwords to emulate the way the official launcher works This is simply a fork of prismarine-tokens with a minor patch applied to get it working. All credit goes to pqml. You can find the original project here -> https://github.com/pqml/prismarine-tokens


  • Store all authentications tokens to automatically reuse them on future connections
  • Minimal username+password authentications to prevent Mojang from blocking your account
  • Support of both mineflayer and minecraft-protocol
  • Multiple storage files
  • Asynchronous calls
  • Easy implementation on your project: just wrap all your bot in a callback function


npm install prismarine-tokens-fixed


Example with mineflayer

var mineflayer = require('mineflayer');
var tokens = require('prismarine-tokens-fixed');

var options = {
  host: 'localhost',   // optional
  port: 25565,         // optional
  username: 'email@example.com',
  password: '12345678',
  //Location of the file to store and read tokens for this bot
  //You can use the same file for all your bots
  tokensLocation: './bot_tokens.json',
  //Set to true if you want debug informations
  tokensDebug: true

tokens.use(options, function(_err, _opts){

  if (_err) throw _err;

  var bot = mineflayer.createBot(_opts);

  bot.on('connect', function() {


Example with minecraft-protocol

var mc = require('minecraft-protocol');
var tokens = require('prismarine-tokens-fixed');

var options = {
  host: 'localhost',   // optional
  port: 25565,         // optional
  username: 'email@example.com',
  password: '12345678',
  //Location of the file to store and read tokens for this bot
  //You can use the same file for all your bots
  tokensLocation: './bot_tokens.json',
  //Set to true if you want debug informations
  tokensDebug: true

tokens.use(options, function(_err, _opts){

  if (_err) throw _err;

  var client = mc.createClient(_opts);

  client.on('connect', function() {
