privilege v1.0.3
Give your users a sense of privilege with role based permissions.
Mapping URLs to Permission Tokens
This is a mapping from a express compatible URL match string to a permission token that will be used for role -> permission lookup. This is used to map URLs to a route-permission key.
Mapping Roles to Permission Tokens and Methods
This is a mapping of roles to permission tokens and the CRUD (using their HTTP method names) action permissions.
pathMap (required)
This required option must be a an object with a getToken/1
method. It will
be called with the path (2nd argument to the privilege
function), and it
should return a string. You can build a proper object by using the
function. If you use the provided
PermissionMap builder then you may specify your paths using the same syntax
you would use for express
router paths.
var map = {
'/test/path/:id': 'test:path',
'/test/path/two/:id': 'test:path:two'
var options = {
pathMap: privilege.PermissionMap.fromJson(map)
roleMap (required)
This required option must an object with a check/3
method. It will be
called with the token (retrieved from the geteToken/1
call), the list of
user role strings and the current request HTTP Method (GET, POST, PUT,
DELETE...). You can build a proper object by using the
If you use the provided roleMap
builder then you may specify your token to
permissions as follows:
var map = {
'role': {
'token1': [ 'get' ],
'token2': [ 'get', 'post' ],
'token3': [ 'put', 'delete' ]
contextToRoles (optional)
This optional option must be a function with the following signature:
# contextToRoles :: Object -> (Error -> Array String -> Nil) -> Nil
It will be passed the context (ctx
) object and privilege expects the
provided callback to receive possibly an Error object and a list of role
strings. If you do not provide your own object then a function similar to the
following function will be used:
function contextToRoles(context, done) {
if (!context.user) {
return done(new Error('context_user_required'));
if (!context.user.roles) {
return done(new Error('context_user_roles_required'));
return done(null, context.user.roles);
The following error strings may be returned by this function:
// Object keys are the possible error strings.
"context_required": "context parameter is a falsy value.",
"context_invalid": "context parameter is not an Object.",
"context_user_required": "context.user is a falsy value.",
"context_user_invalid": "context.user is not an object.",
"context_user_roles_required": "context.user.roles is a falsy value.",
"context_user_roles_invalid": "context.user.roles is not an Array."
var pathToTokenMap = {
'/test/path/:id': 'test:path',
'/test/path/:id/action': 'test:path:action',
'/test/other/:id/two': 'test:other:two',
'/test/more/stuff': 'test:stuff',
'/test/stuff': 'test:stuff'
var roleToTokenMap = {
'role-one': {
'test:path': [ 'get' ],
'test:path:action': [ 'post', 'put' ],
'test:other:two': [ 'get', 'post', 'delete' ],
'test:stuff': [ 'get', 'post', 'put' ]
'role-two': {
'test:path': [ 'get' ],
'test:other:two': ['get' ],
'test:stuff': [ 'get', 'put', 'delete' ]
var privilege = require('privilege')({
pathMap: Privilege.PermissionMap.fromJson(pathToTokenMap),
roleMap: Privilege.roleMap.fromJson(roleToTokenMap)
// You can override the user role context lookup
// by providing your own function.
//contextToRoles: function(ctx, done) { done(null, [ 'my-role']); }
// This could be a request object.
var ctx = {
user: { roles: [ 'role-one' ] }
privilege(ctx, '/test/path/123/action', 'post', function(err, allowed) {
// will output "true"
console.log("user can access: ", allowed);
privilege(ctx, '/test/path/123', 'post', function(err, allowed) {
// will output "false"
console.log("user can access: ", allowed);
privilege(ctx, '/test/path/123', 'get', function(err, allowed) {
/// will output "true"
console.log("user can access: ", allowed);