1.0.0 • Published 9 years ago
process-doctor v1.0.0
Node.js CPU and memory usage lookup for a process.
npm install process-doctor
Supports Linux (via /proc) and OS X (via ps). Reports current usage, not average.
var proctor = require('process-doctor')
proctor.CLK_TCK // number, clocks per tick (used to calculate % CPU)
// PID {Number} is optional and defaults to process.pid
proctor.lookup(PID, function(err, result) {
console.log(err || result)
"time": 60, // total time (= utime + stime)
"utime": 48, // time spent in user space
"stime": 12, // time spent in kernel space
"etime": 100, // time elapsed since process started
"ptime": 0.6, // CPU % of time (= putime + pstime)
"putime": 0.48, // CPU % of utime
"pstime": 0.12 // CPU % of stime
npm install -g standard
npm test
9 years ago