1.3.0 • Published 6 years ago

progressbar v1.3.0

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6 years ago

A nice wrapper around TJ Holowaychuck's node-progress with chaining, domains, and steps




const progress = require('progressbar').create().step('the task you are currently performing')
// use an array of steps that execute one second after each other
// as if we do them all instantly
// you won't see the progress bar as it will be instant
	() => progress.setTotal(5),
	() => progress.setTick(1),
	() => progress.setTick(2),
	() => progress.setTick(3),
	() => progress.addTick(),
	() => progress.addTick(),
	() => progress.finish()  // remove and destroy the progress bar
].forEach(function (step, index) {
	setTimeout(step, index * 1000)

ProgressBar API

  • step(step) - set the step, resets the total and the tick
  • setTick(ticks) - set the completed ticks
  • addTick() - add 1 to the completed ticks
  • getTick() - get the completed ticks
  • setTotal(total) - set the total ticks
  • addTotal() - add 1 to the total ticks
  • getTotal() - get the total ticks
  • finish() - finish manually, will destroy the progress bar

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