1.3.3 • Published 4 years ago

proj-offliner v1.3.3

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Last release
4 years ago

proj-offliner package

+-----------+    +-----------+    +------------+    +--------------+
| extracts  |    | writes    |    | modifies   |    | assembles    |
| asp-files |    | them      |    | them       |    | new json file|
| form      | -> | into      | -> | manually   | -> | using        |
| json file |    | directory |    | or         |    | asp-files     |
| specified |    | specified |    | on the fly |    | modified     |
+-----------+    +-----------+    +------------+    +--------------+
                      |                                  |
                      v                                  v
                +-----------+                      +-------------+
                |   show    |                      |    show     |
                |  results  |                      |   results   |
                +-----------+                      +-------------+

abreviation 'asp-files' used above and bellow means 'Apps Script Project's files extracted'


It's necessary and/or convenient to edit or modify Google AppScript project files off-line sometime . While downloaded project file is a json file containing full info regarding project's files substructure, their names and sources' contents.

This proj-offliner module permits to convert json-file downloaded into separate JavaScript-files (asp-files) with '.js' extensions having appropriate names got from json file data ( obj.filesi.name , where obj - is an object got after parsing by JSON.parse json-file string; files - is property array, each element of which devoted to an appropriate project's content file.

Module creates temporary folder and populates it by newly extracted asp-files or could extract those files into specified directory.

After appropriate edition completed the package assembles asp-files modified into new json project file ready for uploading.


To install proj-offliner globally:

npm install -g proj-offliner

To install in specified project go inside it's root directory and execute command

npm install --save-prod proj-offliner


In command line

(for usage inside your modules scripts go to the usage inside modules )

For usage in command prompt commands make proj-offliner main directory being the current working directory.

    cd proj-offlinerMainDirectory

Module's main directory is that containing package.json file. And use one of commands described bellow following the examples with arguments depending of your task:

Module's pol script determined in package.json scripts object is called by

npm run pol

command with arguments and executes or evocation of asp-files into temporary directory

npm run pol e fromFile ...


assembly of new modified json-file created from asp-files content modified taken from temporary folder where they(asp-files) were stored -

npm run pol a fromFile pathFrom ...

in dependence on the value of action parameter passed to the script as third argument and on the values of other arguments passed (if any) to the module as arguments, for ex. 'e' - evokes or 'a' - assembles ; The call of this script module is carried out by

 npm run ...

command calling from command prompt presumes that module host directory is the current working directory

General command format is:

npm run pol arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5     (*)

particular examples:

  0.    npm run pol                                         (0)
  1.    npm run pol e                                       (1)
  2.    npm run pol ea                                      (2)
  3.    npm run pol a                                       (3)
  4.    npm run pol e fromFile prefixTo                     (4)
  5.    npm run pol a fromFile pathFrom                     (5)
  6.    npm run pol a fromFile pathFrom assemblyFileName    (6)
  7.    npm run pol a fromFile pathFrom outputFile          (7)
  8.    npm run pol parsFNm                                 (8) fed by

Explanations of each example follow bellow.

Variables and object properties' names using bellow in the context:

act - action type parameter ('e' - evoke, 'a' - assemble, 'ea' - evoke
    and then assemble, ...)

fromFile - full path of initial json file handling (initially is presumed
    being appScript project file downloaded. )
pathTo - path of the folder wherein asp-files extracted form fromFile
    will be stored in. (Could be assigned by user manually or will be
    generated from prefixTo path string appending 6 random characters
    for each run.
prefixTo - part of pathTo path to which six random alphanumerical
    characters will be appended to get new pathTo value
    (if not set it's derived from fromFile, using fromFileName without
    extension trailed by underscore as prefix for resulted folder name)
pathFrom - path of folder being location of extracted files will being
    taken for assembly of new project's json file modified off-line or
    on the fly
assFileName - (assembly file name) name of resulting project's json file
    without .json extension specified by user if any. Optional.
    If not set the name of resulting json-file is assigned
    automatically as fromFileName+'_modified_N' where N-is number of
    result file version. Each assembly run produces new version.
outputFile - full path including file name and extension of resulted
    json file being modified version of fileFrom after
    handling, ready to be uploaded if necessary. Set by user if any
label - unique identifier for project off-liner run (could be
    descriptive comment)
parsFNm - parameters file name argument determining json-file name
    with managing paramters data.

Parts of the command

npm run pol e ...

after npm separated by whitespace are npm command's arguments.

I-th argument could be returned inside codes by process.argv - array as process.argv[i], where process is node.js standard module.

So run - is argv0, pol - argv1, ...etc.

Arguments are optional and have different meaning depending on arg2 (argv2) action parameter

Testing runs with defaults args values.

npm run pol                            (0)    the same as (2)

npm run pol e                          (1)

are equivalent to npm run e fromFile prefixTo , where

arg2 = 'e' ;   - action parameter value that indicates that the action is
    evoking ( or extracting) asp-files from object parsed from original
    json-file fromFile of previously downloaded appScript project's file

arg3 = fromFile = '.\\test\\testProjFile.json' ; (paths relative to the main
                                                  proj-offliner package

arg4 = prefixTo = '.\\test\\out\\pathTo_';


npm run pol ea                         (2)

This is default test command for extracting data an then assemble new json file modified immediately, equivalent to command npm run ea fromFile prefixTo pathFrom , where

arg2 = 'ea'; arg3 and arg4 similar to example (1)

arg5 = pathFrom = '.\\test\\pathFrom'


npm run pol a                           (3)

assembly run equivalent to (*) with default arguments values, where

arg2 = 'a';

arg3 =  '.\\test\\testProjFile.json';

arg4 =  '.\\test\\out\\pathFrom'

The resuled json-file of this test will be stored into

'.\\test\\out\\pathFrom'  directory

    and full path of output json-file will be
'.\\test\\out\\pathFrom\\testProjFile_modified_N.json' ,

    where N - is consecutive number of file version increasing by on
    with each run.


npm run pol e fromFile prefixTo         (4)

In expample (4) -

fromFile - original json file handling ( possible appScript
    project file) written in the format of string

prefixTo - as string 'disk:\\path\\to\\the\\dirNamePrefix_'
    as a result of execution data will be extracted and
    asp-files will be saved into the temporary folder  
    'disk:\\path\\to\\the\\dirNamePrefix_XXXXXX' ,
    where XXXXXX are six random alpha numerical characters.

npm run pol a fromFile pathFrom          (5)

After execution of command (5) the resulting new json file assembled will be placed into pathFrom directory and will have the name derived from fromFile file name: the string being fromFile's name,
for ex. using node.js standard module path

var fromFileName = path.basename(fromFile,'.json');`

could be used to form new output file name as string fromFileName + '_modified_N.json'

and full path of outputFile being

outputFile = path.dirname(fromFile) + fromFileName + '_modified_N.json'

where in the part of string '_N' N means version number.
Each new run provides new version number.

fromFile = ' disk:\\some\\dir\\fromFileName.json';
parthFrom = 'somedisk:\\path\\From\\directory';

n-th version (result of n-th run) of outputFile full path will be: 'somedisk:\\path\\From\\directory\\fromFileName_modified_n.json'

npm run pol a fromFile pathFrom assemblyFileName     (6)

Case (6) instead of use automatic outputFile name creation, like in the case (5), uses the one set by assemblyFileName argument which is the
file name without extension '.json'. So taking values used in example for case (5) resulted json file will have full path:

outputFile = 'somedisk:\\path\\From\\directory\\' +
              assemblyFileName + '_modified_n.json' `

The outputFile full path including file name could be set directly by user in the command:

npm run pol a fromFile pathFrom outputFile           (7)

All parameters mentioned above could be read from special json file and the file name of that parameters' file itself may be an argument of npm run pol command :

npm run pol parsFNm                                 (8)

            (parsFNm - abbreviation of " parameters File Name")

That file containing parameters' data (naming here as params-json-file) should
conform the following requirements:

A. json-file name is terminated by string '_params.json'.
The initial part of params-json-file name is passed as an argument in (8)
command prompt command, where
parsFNm - is file name without '_param.json' terminating string.

B. file with such name resides in the folder '.\\params' being sub-folder
params of module's main directory

For example, if we have parameters file named 'someParameters_params.json',
relative path of which is '.\\params\\someParameters_params.json' , the
appropriate command is looked like

npm run pol someParameters

C. The parameters file residing in '.\\params' folder should has content
being json string which will be parsed by JSON API into

var obj = JSON.parse(jsonStringOfParametersFileContent);

with appropriate properties named as parameters' variables above

    obj = {
      label: '...',
      act: "..",
      fromFile: '...',
      prefixTo: '...',
      pathTo: '...',
      pathFrom: '...',
      assFileName: '...',
      outputFile: '...'

D. depending on the 'e' or 'a' - value of action parameter it's possible
to control presence of prefixTo or pathFrom being set additionally.

Such criteria permit to create not only input params json-file but output as well automatically after evoking procedure and to store it in the ./params folder. The name of such file will
be fromFileName_N_params.json were fromFileName is path.baseName (fromFile,'.json') file name without extension and _N_ is the ordering number of file's version assigned automatically.

Default value of action parameter is 'ea' for tests but if fromFile
argument is set by user default action parameter is equal to str 'e'.

Usage Inside Module Codes

While proj-offliner module has been installed locally or is set as property of dependencies or devDependencies objects of your module's
package.json, to invoke proj-offliner object from your scripts is standard
require api invocation:

var pol = require('./') ||
          require('./proj-offliner.js') ||

proj-offliner object (later - pol) has flexible method pol.run supplying
full functionality similar to that has been described for npm run pol ...
command prompt commands above.

Keeping meaning of notations mentioned in command prompt usage paragraph the generic call of run method is looked like

pol.run(opt_label, opt_act, opt_fromFile, opt_prefixTo, opt_pathFrom,
    opt_assFileName, opt_outputFile);  // 'opt_' prefixes mean - optional

the meaning of arguments are similar to the command prompt usage but will be described bellow as well. The pol object has properties storing parameters' values mentioning among arguments in pol.run( ...) call above. So if you would have set them before pol.run call (all or just only part of them depending on act parameter value)

    pol.label = 'identifier of proj-offliner run';
    pol.act = 'someAct';
    pol.fromFile = 'some full path of initial json file handling';
    pol.prefixTo = 'some template path to form path of temporary folder';
    pol.pathTo = 'exact folder path where to reside extracting asp-files';
    pol.pathFrom = 'some path of folder where to take asp-files modified';
    pol.assFileName = 'assembly file name in pathFrom without' +
      ' extension .json to be used';
    pol.outputFile = 'full path of assembly file to be used';

the call of run method would be compact, just like:


On the other hand all or some necessary parameters could be specified in special object options passing to run method as argument

    var options = {
      label: 'someLabel',
      act: 'someActionMode',
      fromFile: 'someFromFileFullPath',
      prefixTo: 'somePrefixTo',
      pathTo: 'somePathTo',
      pathFrom: 'somePathFrom',
      assFileName: 'someAssemblyFileNameSpecified',
      outputFile: 'someOutputFileFullPathSpecified'

the call of pol.run method could be like this:

    pol.run(options); // typeof options === 'object' should be true

Another calling option is, instead of options object, to pass to pol.run
method the name of json parameters' file located inside .\\params' folder
whose json string content would being parsed into analogous parameters object
by JSON.parse(fileContent). Such pol.run call will be looked like:

    pol.run ( pramsJsonFileNameWithoutExtention );  // argument type is {string}

If you need few consecutive calls of pol.run method the pol.reset(pol)
method should precede each pol.run(...) call to exclude overlapping of
values for different run, for ex.:

pol('runLabel,'e',fromFile);  // call using default prefixTo

Another probably useful method in the situation of consecutive proj-offliner
runs is pol.clone(someLabel); which instantiates pol object
permitting to separate namespaces of consecutive proj-offliner run and
run-methods calls.

    var polNext = pol.clone('lableOfPolNext');
    var polNext1 = pol.clone('lableOfPolNext');

memory spaces of polNex.. objects are not intercepted.
(see codes descriptions for details).

The functionality provided by by pol.run - method (executes evoking or
assembly etc.) depends on the number, the types and the values of method's arguments.

/*{string} Variables used in context and their meaning:
act - action type parameter
fromFile - full path of json file of appScript project downloaded
        (including file name with extension)
pathTo - path of the folder wherein asp-files extracted from fromFile
        will be stored into. (Could be assigned by user manually by
        setting pol.pathTo property)
prefixTo - part of pathTo path to which six random alphanumerical
        characters will be appended to get new pathTo value
        or in details
        {string}  prefix of the path to temporary directory wherein you are
        going to store asp-files extracting. Six random character will be
        added to this prefix to determine full directory name. This
        parameter is Optional. If prefixTo is not set the module uses path
        to downloaded fromFile and fromFileName+'_' as prefix.
        As an example the default value of prefixTo will be determined
        by scripts-let
        if act parameter === 'eto' prefixTo contains pathTo value of path
    var path = require( 'path' );  // node path API
    prefixTo = path.dirname( fileFrom) + path.sep +
               path.baseName( fileFrom, '.json')+'_';

resulted directory path will be stored in the property pol.pathTo of object pol.

pathFrom - path of folder being location of extracted files will being
            taken for assembly new project's json file modified off-line
assFileName - name of resulting project's json file without .json
            extension specified by user if any. Optional parameter.
            If not set the name of resulting json-file is assigned
            automatically following the rule described bellow or in
            methods' description
outputFile - full path including file name and extension of resulted
            json file being modified version of fileFrom after
            handling, ready to be uploaded if necessary.
label - unique identifier for project off-liner run (could be
        descriptive comment)

Arguments options:

No Arguments - all arguments and parameters will have Default values. It is used while testing (excepting the case when parameters properties of pol object are set in advance, how it has demonstrated above)

    call example: pol.run(); // (0)

First argument's values vs meaning & functionality (act - action parameter):

'e' - evoke
'a' - assemble
'o' - object properties as managing parameters
'f' - same as 'o' but object will be get from json file locating into
      __dirname + sep +'params' folder; where sep is OS paths separator
'ea' - 'e'voke and then 'a'ssemble (default) using in test run and
         at chaining processes like auto lint of asp-files codes
'eto' - evoking asp-files extracted from fromFile and write them into
      pathTo path of folder specified by user
'ato' - assembles project's data into specified json file

Calling examples:

    'o' - call ex.:
            pol.run('o',options); // (1) or
            pol.run('',options);  // (2) or
            pol.run(options);     // (3)
        where typeof options === 'object' is boolean true
        label parameter should be determined inside options object.
            options = {
            label: '...',
            act: '...',
            fromFile: '...',
            prefixTo: '...',
            pathTo: '...',
            pathFrom: '...',
            assFileName: '...',
            outputFile: '...'
    'f' - is used with second parameter(method's argument) as

        params-json-fileName  without ending string '_params.json'
        (see example bellow). Params-json-file itself should be located in the
        folder with path: __dirname + sep +'params' ('./params' relative to
        package root directory)

        call samples:
            pol.run('f',paramsFileNamePart); // (4) or
            pol.run('',paramsFileNamePart);  // (5) or
            pol.run(paramsFileNamePart);     // (6)

        typeof paramsFileNamePart === 'string' &&
        !/\.json$/.test(paramsFileNamePart) &&
        is boolean true,
        where paramsFileNamePart is string presenting
        file name without '_params.json' of params-json-file located in
            __dirname+sep+'params' directory (sep='\\' in the case of Windows)
            and containing json string with properties:
            paramsJsonFileContent =
            {"label": "...","act": "...","fromFile": "..." ,"prefixTo": "...",
            "pathTo": "...","pathFrom": "...","assFileName": "...",
            "outputFile: "..."}
            label parameter should be determined inside options object.
            Attention remark! - content of json-file json string must not
            contain line brakes special characters.

    'e'- evokes asp-files from fromFile into new prefixToXXXXX -directory<br>
        call ex.: pol.run('e',fromFile,prefixTo) (7)<br>
    'eto'- evokes asp-files from fromFile into user defined pathTo directory<br>
        call ex.:<br>
            pol.run('eto',fromFile,pathTo);  (8)

    'a' - assembling final project's json file
        call samples:
        pol.run('a',fromFile,pathFrom,opt_assembleFileName); // (9) or

    'ato' - assembling final project's json file specified. The final json-file
        and it's location are strictly determined by user
        call samples:
        pol.run('ato',fromFile,pathFrom,outputFile); // (10)
        where outputFile is a full path including file name and
        extension .json where to write final json assembly file

    'erf' - technical evoking mode using algorithm of direct content
            reading of json file (only for information. details see in
            code description) to get the object whose properties contain
            asp-files data


For NON TESTING RUNS Default act = 'e'
if fromFile is not set the default value of act = 'ea'
(when non 'o' and non 'f' cases are run) testing evoking and then
assembling results in

fromFile = __dirname + '\\test\\testProjFile.json';
prefixTo = __dirname + '\\test\\out\\pathTo_';
pathFrom = __dirname + '\\test\\pathFrom';

Evoking asp-files

To extract separate asp-files of your project from AppScript project json file downloaded you need to invoke proj-offliner package installed
locally inside your module using modeling calls for action
parameter 'e' or 'eto' presenting here. The pol.run method is wrapper
of engine for evocation


Remark regarding specified folder for extracted asp-files

In the case of when you would prefer to place asp-files extracted in specified
directory on your choice ( for ex. whose name doesn't contain 6 random
characters at the end) the usage is as follows:

    var pol = require('./') || require('./proj-offliner.js');
    pol.fromFile= fromFile; // {string}
    pol.pathTo= pathToSpecifiedByYou;     // {string}
    pol.no6 = true;                       // {Boolean} set automatically

Assemble results

After possible edition and/or modification of asp-files, extracted previously
from project json-file, you could prefer to assemble resulting AppScript
project json-file for uploading it into your Google project on Google Drive
later . The pol.run method is the wrapper of the method assembleProjFile
who is used for that purpose:

    polO.assembleProjFile(label,opt_fromFile, opt_pathFrom,
                          opt_assFileName, opt_outputFile);

It returns json string being the content of json file prepared for uploading
and writes new file naming it as
opt_assFileName, if it's set
or as
originalJsonFileDownloadedNameWithoutExtention~ + "_modified_N.json"

where N after 'modified_' is string number = 0,1,2,... showing the
version of assembled file provided in sequential calculation run. N is
increased each time by one, to guaranty that outputFile-s versions do not
overwrite one another into the directory determined by path opt_pathFrom

Docs and developement (working materials)

Find some additional explanations in ./docs folder

Thank you

Comments and remarks welcome!


4 years ago


4 years ago