0.0.2 • Published 10 years ago

project-cartero v0.0.2

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Last release
10 years ago

Project Cartero (in development phase)

Project Cartero is a tool that runs on Grunt.js, based on Cartero v1, that provides a way to manage your client-side code in web projects (Node ...). No direct support for browserify (like Cartero v1), if you wish that, please see Cartero v2. Support built in for bower components. If you wish to use bower, you can treat bower components like they were normal in project client side libraries.

The theory is that you have a bunch of views (normally template based) and you have client-side code (css/js/coffee...) for that view, and you have a set of libraries that your view may depend on.

During development, you want files to be served in their original form, while, in production, you want the files minified and concatenated.

This tool will allow you to calculate which files should be served for a view, and inject into your views when its served.

What this does?

Basically this tool detects which assets files are required for a determined view, and allows you to apply transformations to these files.

You can create your own file processor, to apply transformations, or you can use the built in Grunt.js support, to run your grunt tasks in your assets files. There is a ConcatAssetsProcessor already built in to join your javascript/css files.

As well, its included an Express.js v3 hook to inject the calculated view files in your template.

Example of how a project can look like


In general, this is basically a re-write of cartero v1 (without browserify built in support), based on what I felt in the moment (in terms of architecture). I wanted to improve performance and primarly the ability to customize and add features to it without breaking stuff

When I say performance, it means that I wanted to be able to create Grunt tasks that allow me to develop code and, when code changes, be able to keep development under 1-2 seconds. Since I wasnt being able to achieve that using Cartero v1, I did this re-write.

How does it work internally?

Grunt Options

You can view other internal options in the last section.

  templatesPath: null
  	# you must specify where your templates/views are located

  templatesExtensions: /.*\.jade$/
  	# this is the default regular expression to detect templates/views

  templatesOwnFilesExtensions: /.*\.(coffee|js|css|less)$/
  	# this is the regular expression to detect assets files in the templates folders

  librariesPath: null
  	# this is the location of the libraries

  publicFilesPath : null
  	# this is the location you want to serve the files. This should be the dir where you store   your static files, in express js.

  contextPath: null
  	# used if your application or public dir runs in a different contextPath in your web application.
  	# You could say app.use(express.static('/publicSomething', publicDirPath)) in express js

  librariesPublicRelativePath: "libraries"
	# this is to organize your libraries inside your public folder. If your public folder is already the place where you want to store directly the libraries, just let this be an empty string

  libraryFilesExtensions: /.*\.(coffee|js|css|less|jpg|jpeg|tiff|gif|png|bmp|swf|eot|svg|ttf|woff)$/
 	# here you define which kind of files should be moved to the destination public dir, of your libraries

  carteroFileDescriptorPath: null
  	# you must specify the directory you want to store your cartero.json file

  carteroFileDescriptorName: "cartero"
  	# you could change the name of the file cartero.json

  carteroFileDescriptorExtension: "json"
  	# you could change the extension of the cartero.json file

  assetsProcessors: [require('project-cartero/component/processor/moveAssetsProcessor')]
  	# you can define an array of assetsProcessors, there are a few ways to specify each one
    # the MoveAssetsProcessProcessor should be included always, unless you want to replace with your own. See included AssetsProcessors.
  	# 1 - you can specify a built in inside the library
  	# 2 - you can specify one that you did implement, for that, you must extend /lib/model/assetsProcessor and implement the method named run
  	# 3 - you can specify a grunt task, by defining an object with fields: fileExt, destExt, task, clean.
  		- fileExt must be the extension of the files you want to process
  		- destExt is the extension that should be assigned to the transformed file
  		- task is the name of the grunt task you want to call
  		- clean is a boolean that indicates if you want to remove the old files

  bowerComponentsPath: null
    # if you inform this field, a BowerLibraryProcessor will be added automatically.
    # this means that you can include any bower dependency by using their name, eg: "jquery" in any place as you would with a normal library.

  logLevel: "warn"
  	# you can change the logLevel to try to detect problems

Describe a library with bundle.json File

You can describe a library by using bundle.json file. The following options are available.

  keepSeparate : false
    # if true, files wont be joined when ConcatAssetsProcessor is used
  dependencies : []
  	# library id (relative path of the library folder) of all library that this one depends on
  directoriesToIgnore : []
    # relative dir paths from this directory of dirs to ignore
  directoriesToFlatten: []
  	# relative dir paths from this directory of dirs to scan as part of this own library
  	# (instead they become their own libraries, that depend on the current)
  prioritizeFlattenedDirectories : false
  filePriority : []
    # relative file paths from this directory of files that should have an order preserved
  filesToIgnore : []
  	# relative file paths from this directory of files to ignore
  dynamicallyLoadedFiles : []
  	# relative file paths from this directory, of files that will be loaded manually by you
  remoteFiles : []
  	# array of urls, or relative paths, it should work just fine

Included Assets Processors

1. MoveAssetsProcessor

This should always be the first one. This processor will move your library/assets files to your public destination folder.

2. CalculateAssetsProcessor

This should always be the last one. This processor will calculate which files should be served for each template. This means that your express-hook wouldnt have to calculate anything.

3. GruntAssetsProcessor

This processor is used internally so we can transform your object descring a Grunt task, into an instance of a GruntAssetsProcessor. This processor will simply run a Grunt task, but before that, it will map correctly the new file names into cartero.json file.

An example of usage would be: {task: "cssmin", fileExt:"css", destExt:"css"}

To use this, you will define an object in the assetsProcessor array, and the following options are availble:

  • fileExt must be the extension of the files you want to process
  • destExt is the extension that should be assigned to the transformed file
  • task is the name of the grunt task you want to call
  • clean is a boolean that indicates if you want to remove the old files
  • libraryFiles (default = true) is a boolean that determines if library files will be processed or not
  • viewFiles (default = true) is a boolean that determines if view files will be processed or not

4. ConcatAssetsProcessor

This processor will join all the files (css, js) required for a view. This means that it will loop through all templates, and calculate all files that can be joined. This means files from templates extended, included, own files, and library files (directly and indirectly dependencies) that are LOCAL and not keepSeparate:true.

Be aware, here, we process css files to replace relative URLs referenced, so it works after a concat. The images/fonts ... are not moved, so they stay exactly where the original library is located, except, the reference in the css will be absolute to your public directory. If you use a contextPath definition, it will be added as well.


  • Separate Base Code from Grunt related Code: grunt / core / express-hook
  • Study / Add support for Gulp
  • Create tests
  • Always Improve Docs
  • Always Refactor, remove complexity
  • Create environment support (bundle.json set up by environment)


The code is written in coffe-script, so, use grunt clean coffee to generate code. Please write tests if you add a new feature.

Release History

Not ready yet.