2.0.2 • Published 3 months ago

project-translator v2.0.2

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3 months ago

NPM Version


A translator for web applications that uses AWS, GCP, or any custom provider.


npx project-translator
npm i --save-dev project-translator


To configure your project to use the project-translator you only need .translaterc.json file in the root of your project. You can run project-translator init to auto generate this file.

Example .translaterc.json

  "provider": "aws", // aws | google | custom
  "translationDir": "lib/translations",
  "sourceLanguage": "en-US",
  "outputLanguages": [
    "fr-FR", "es-ES"
  "region": "us-east-1", // when using AWS
  "projectId": "my-project1", // when using Google
  "useIcuLabels": true // when using ICU labels

Google Setup

To use Google as your translate provider you will need to export your application credentials so that you can authenticate with Google's service.

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="./path-to/credentials.json"

AWS Setup

To use AWS as your translate provider, follow the aws-cli setup found here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-configure.html

File/File-Name Structure

Translation files shoud be in JSON format and use naming convention that beings with a two letter language code (e.g 'en.json' or 'en-US.json'). While translating the translations directory provided in the configuration file as translationsDir will be used to find, create or update translation files.

Example Source Translation File

// en-US.json
  "my-label": "My Label",
  "section-label": "Label for a section",
  "section-header": {
    "title": "A Title",
    "description": "A description"
  "another.section.header": "Title"

Use Translator

npx project-translator translate

To start translating, ensure you have a source language file in your translations directory. This source file's language code should be configured in your .translaterc.json file. Now run npx project-translator translate or install and use in your package.json scripts.

Example package.json

 "scripts": {
   "translate": "project-translator translate"

Custom Translate Provider

To use a customer provider you can provide these values in your .translaterc.json file.

 "provider": "custom",
 "translatorPath": "./path-to/custom-translator.js"

Example Custom Translator

export default function customTranslator() {
 return {
     (sourceLanguage:string, targetLanguage:string) => async function(text:string) {
       // put you custom translate code here.
       const translatedText = await customProvider(text, sourceLanguage, targetLanguage);
       // Ensure it returns the translated text.
       return translatedText;