promise-event-emitter v0.1.0
EventEmitter like class which uses a promise instead of a callback.
> npm install --save promise-event-emitter
const PromiseEventEmitter = require('promise-event-emitter');
const PromiseEventEmitter = require('promise-event-emitter');
const emitter = new PromiseEventEmitter();
const eventPromise = emitter.on('connect', 'error')
.then(([userId, connection]) => {
console.log(userId, connection) // 'Ivan', {}
.catch(([reason]) => {
console.error(reason) // connection refused
emitter.emit('connect', 'Ivan', {}); // in this case eventPromise become fullfilled
emitter.emit('error', 'connection refused'); // in this case eventPromise become rejected'connect'); // in this case by default eventPromise will never be fulfilled or rejected
This package requires ES6 Promise and Map.
emitter.on(successEvent: String || String, rejectEvent: String || String) => Promise
Returns a promise that is waiting for emit first event of the arguments. successEvent and rejectEvent can be a string or a string array. Promise handler will get an array of arguments passed to emit function. This method is syntax sugar for 'once' method.
const eventPromise = emitter.on('connect', ['error', 'fail']);
/* eventPromise become:
fullfilled when emit 'connect' event
rejected when emit 'error' or 'fail'
emitter.emit(event: String, ...args) => Boolean
Emits a event and fulfills promises of subscribers with array of passed arguments. Then it removes the specified event from the event-promise map. Returns true if the event had listeners, false otherwise.
emitter.once('message').then(console.log); // ['Ivan', 'hello world!']
emitter.emit('message', 'Ivan', 'hello world!'); String, type: String = 'pass', reason: Any = 'Handler removed') => Boolean
Removes the specified event from the event-promise map. Arguments 'type' and 'reason' is optional. Argument 'type' set behavior to promises of subscribers. It can be one of the following strings:
- pass(by default) - do nothing
- resolve
Argument reason will be passed as argument to handler. Returns true if the event had listeners, false otherwise.
emitter.on('message').catch(console.error) // ['the connection is lost']'message', 'reject', 'the connection is lost');
emitter.once(event: String) => Promise
Find by event registered promise in event-promise map or create it. Returns a promise that will be fulfill when the event will be emitted.
const promise1 = emitter.once('connect');
const promise2 = emitter.once('connect');
console.log(promise1 === promise2) // true
promise1.then(console.log); // ['Jack']
promise2.then(console.log); // ['Jack']
emitter.emit('connect', 'Jack');
emitter.all(events: String) => Promise
Returns a promise that will be fulfill when all event will be emitted.
emitter.all(['connect', 'message'])
.then(console.log); // [['Ivan'], ['Hello world!']]
emitter.emit('connect', 'Ivan');
emitter.emit('message', 'Hello world!');
emitter.eventNames() => String
Returns an array of event names that are registered in the event-promise map.
emitter.on('connect', ['error', 'fail']);
console.log(emitter.eventNames()) // ['connect', 'error', 'fail'];
Each instance of the promise-event-emitter class stores an event-promise Map. This allows any type of data to be used as event.
const event = new Event('myEvent');
emitter.once(event).then(console.log); // [42];
emitter.emit(event, 42);
ISC © Letry
7 years ago