1.0.1 • Published 7 years ago

promise-font v1.0.1

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Last release
7 years ago


Get a promise that will resolve when a specified font has been loaded and reject if the font fails to load before the timeout. This is mostly useful for handling complex UX issues resulting from the difference between the default font's size and the specified font's size.

This package was heavily inspired by Patrick Marabeas's jQuery-FontSpy. This package takes the same approach but modernizes the project by:

  • Removing the jQuery dependency
  • Providing support for AMD, CommonJS and ES6 includes
  • Providing support for yarn/npm
  • Using promises instead of callbacks


yarn add promise-font


import promiseFont from 'promise-font';


var promiseFont = require('promise-font');

Global Script Include

<script src="promise-font.js">


Basic Example

promiseFont('Archivo Narrow').then(() => {
  console.log('Font loaded!');
}).catch(() => {
  console.log('Font failed to load before timeout exceeded');


promiseFont is a function which takes a font name and optionally a config object. The config object can take the following options:

  • Integer timeout - Stop checking for the font to load after specified milliseconds. Default 2000.
  • Integer interval - Check to see if the font is loaded every specified interval in milliseconds. Default 50.
  • String baselineFont - The default font to use for width baseline comparison. Default 'Courier New'.
  • String glyphs - Additional characters to include in the font test. Default undefined.

Complete Example

promiseFont('Archivo Narrow', {
  timeout: 10 * 1000,        // 10 second timeout
  interval: 10,              // 10 millisecond interval
  glyphs: '\t',              // Include the tab character in the font test
  baselineFont: 'sans-serif' // Change the baseline font test to sans-serif
}).then(() => {
  console.log('Font loaded!');
}).catch(() => {
  console.log('Font failed to load before timeout exceeded');