3.0.0 • Published 7 months ago
promise-make-naked v3.0.0
Promise Make Naked
A simple function that makes a promise that can be resolved, rejected or introspected from the outside.
npm install --save promise-make-naked
import makeNakedPromise from 'promise-make-naked';
// Let's create a naked Promise
const {promise, resolve, reject, isPending, isResolved, isRejected} = makeNakedPromise ();
resolve ( 123 ); // Resolve the promise with the provided value
reject ( new Error () ); // Reject the promise with the provided reason
isPending (); // Check if the promise is still pending
isResolved (); // Check if the promise got resolved
isRejected (); // Check if the promise got rejected
MIT © Fabio Spampinato