0.2.0 • Published 3 years ago

promised.sqlite v0.2.0

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3 years ago

Promised SQLite


You can use async/await for sqlite3.


> npm install promised.sqlite


In memory based database

import {
} from 'promised.sqlite'

// open the database
const db = await open(':memory:')
console.log('Connected to the in-memory SQlite database.')

// close the database connection
await db.close()
console.log('Close the database connection.')

Disk file based database

import {
} from 'promised.sqlite'

// open the database
const db = await open('./assets/chinook.db', OPEN_READWRITE)
console.log('Connected to the database.')

const row = await db.get(`SELECT PlaylistId as id,
                          Name as name
                          FROM playlists`)
console.log(row.id + '\t' + row.name)

// close the database connection
await db.close()

Querying all rows with all() method

import {
} from 'promised.sqlite'

const sql = `SELECT DISTINCT Name name FROM playlists
              ORDER BY name`

// open the database
const db = await open('./assets/chinook.db')

// querying all rows with all() method
const rows = await db.all(sql, [])
rows.forEach(row => {

// close the database connection
await db.close()

Query the first row in the result set

import {
} from 'promised.sqlite'

// open the database
const db = await open('./assets/chinook.db')
const sql = `SELECT PlaylistID id,
                  Name name
              FROM playlists
              WHERE PlaylistId = ?`
const playlistId = 1

// first row only
const row = await db.get(sql, [playlistId])
? console.log(row.id, row.name)
: console.log(`No playlist found with the id ${playlistId}`)

// close the database connection
await db.close()

Query rows with each() method

import {
} from 'promised.sqlite'

// open the database
const db = await open('./assets/chinook.db')
const sql = `SELECT FirstName firstName,
                  LastName lastName,
                  Email email
              FROM customers
              WHERE Country = ?
              ORDER BY FirstName`
const rows: string[] = []

for await (let row of db.each(sql, ['USA'])) {
  const r = `${row.firstName} ${row.lastName} - ${row.email}`

await db.close()

Insert on row into a table

import {
} from 'promised.sqlite'

const db = await open(':memory:')

// insert one row into the langs table
await db.run('CREATE TABLE langs(name text)')
const res = await db.run(`INSERT INTO langs(name) VALUES(?)`, ['C'])

// get the last insert id
console.log(`A row has been inserted with rowid ${res.lastID}`)

// close the database connection
await db.close()

Insert multiple rows into a table at a time

import {
} from 'promised.sqlite'

// open the database connection
const db = await open(':memory:')
const languages = ['C++', 'Python', 'Java', 'C#', 'Go']

// construct the insert statement with multiple placehoders
// based on the number of rows
const placeholders = languages.map(lan => '(?)').join(',')
const sql = 'INSERT INTO langs(name) VALUES ' + placeholders

// output the INSERT statement
await db.run('CREATE TABLE langs(name text)')
const res = await db.run(sql, languages)
console.log(`Rows inserted ${res.changes}`)

// close the database connection

Updating Data in SQLite Database from a Node.js Application

import {
} from 'promised.sqlite'

// open the database connection
const db = await open(':memory:')
const languages = ['C++', 'Python', 'Java', 'C#', 'Go', 'C']

// construct the insert statement with multiple placehoders
// based on the number of rows
const placeholders = languages.map(lan => '(?)').join(',')
const sqlInsert = 'INSERT INTO langs(name) VALUES ' + placeholders

// update statement
const data = ['Ansi C', 'C']
const sqlUpdate = `UPDATE langs
              SET name = ?
              WHERE name = ?`

// create table
await db.run('CREATE TABLE langs(name text)')

// insert rows
const insertRes = await db.run(sqlInsert, languages)
console.log(`Rows inserted: ${insertRes.changes}`)

// update
const updateRes = await db.run(sqlUpdate, data)
console.log(`Row(s) updated: ${updateRes.changes}`)

// close the database connection
await db.close()

Deleting Data in SQLite Database from a Node.js Application

import {
} from 'promised.sqlite'

// open the database connection
const db = await open(':memory:')
const languages = ['C++', 'Python', 'Java', 'C#', 'Go']

// construct the insert statement with multiple placehoders
// based on the number of rows
const placeholders = languages.map(lan => '(?)').join(',')
const sql = 'INSERT INTO langs(name) VALUES ' + placeholders

// create table
await db.run('CREATE TABLE langs(name text)')
const insertRes = await db.run(sql, languages)
console.log(`Rows inserted: ${insertRes.changes}`)

const id = 1
// delete a row based on id
const deleteRes = await db.run(`DELETE FROM langs WHERE rowid=?`, id)
console.log(`Row(s) deleted: ${deleteRes.changes}`)

// close the database connection
await db.close()



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