0.7.0 • Published 2 years ago

prompt-wrangler v0.7.0

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2 years ago

Prompt Wrangler

Prompt Wrangler is an app that makes it easy to manage GPT in production applications. This is a wrapper library around the Prompt Wrangler API.


You can install the package using npm:

npm install prompt-wrangler


To use the package, you need to create an instance of the PromptWrangler class.

const { PromptWrangler } = require("prompt-wrangler");

const pw = new PromptWrangler();

Once you have an instance of the PromptWrangler class, you can use it to create a prompt and run it with the desired arguments:

const prompt = pw.prompt("my_workspace/my_prompt");
const args = {
  name: "John",

const res = await prompt.run(args);


You can optionally pass in an arg Zod schema and an output Zod schema to get a strongly typed run function as well as run time validation.

Argument Schema

The argument schema needs to match the schema specified on the Prompt. You can optionally pass in a schema when creating the prompt.

import { z } from "zod";

// Schema for the arguments
const argSchema = z.object({
  name: z.string(),

const prompt = promptWrangler.prompt("my_workspace/my_prompt", {
  argSchema: argSchema,

Output Schema

The output schema needs to match the output format and structure defined in the prompt. Generally, an output schema is used when the format is JSON and a specific schema is passed into the prompt. This will validate that the schema matches what you expect.

import { z } from "zod";

// Schema for the output
const outputSchema = z.object({
  key: z.string(),

const prompt = promptWrangler.prompt("my_workspace/my_prompt", {
  outputSchema: outputSchema,

const res = await prompt.run(args);

// Prediction is guaranteed to match the output schema and strongly typed
const prediction = res.prediction;

API Reference


The PromptWrangler class is the main class for interacting with the Prompt Wrangler API. It encapsulates all HTTP communication with the API.

constructor(base_url?: string)

Creates a new instance of the PromptWrangler class.

prompt(prompt_path: string, options?: PromptWranglerPromptOptions)

This function creates a prompt that can be executed. The prompt_path parameter should be the workspace_slug/prompt_slug. This can be copied from the Prompt Wrangler UI.

  • prompt_path - The path to the prompt in the format workspace_slug/prompt_slug. For example, my_workspace/my_prompt.
  • options - Optional. An object with optional argSchema and outputSchema properties.

Returns an instance of PromptWranglerPrompt configured with the given prompt path and options.


The PromptWranglerPrompt class manages individual prompts hosted on the Prompt Wrangler API.


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