2.0.2 • Published 8 months ago

proper-tags v2.0.2

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Last release
8 months ago

proper-tags (common-tags rebooted)

npm version NPM Downloads No dependencies MIT License

proper-tags is an evolved version of the widely-used CommonJS package common-tags. It has been updated with the following considerations for modern JavaScript environments:

  • 🌟 Extendable: proper-tags comes with built-in tools for creating custom tags.
  • 📦 ESM Code Base: With support for ESM/ECMAScript Modules, it ensures native compatibility with modern development tools.
  • 🦕 Deno Compatibility: Designed specifically to function seamlessly with the Deno runtime.
  • 📝 TypeScript Definitions: Integrated TypeScript typings make development in TypeScript a breeze.
  • 🔄 API Consistency: Its interface aligns with common-tags, ensuring compatibility with existing frameworks and guides.

Below is a quick guide, check out the full documentation at https://proper-tags.56k.guru.

Quick Example

import { html } from 'proper-tags';

  <div id="user-card">




npm install proper-tags

ESM Import:

import { stripIndent } from 'proper-tags';

Legacy CommonJS Require:

const { stripIndent } = require('proper-tags');


To use proper-tags with Deno, import it from deno.land:

import { html } from 'https://deno.land/x/proper_tags/dist/proper-tags.js';

Note: Make sure to freeze the url to a specific version


To include proper-tags via jsdelivr, add the following script tag to your HTML file:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/proper-tags@2.0.2/dist/proper-tags.umd.js"></script>

Note: Make sure to replace 2.0.2 with the latest version



Like all ES modules, proper-tags begins with an import.

import { stripIndent } from 'proper-tags'

Available Functions

  • html: Properly indents arrays and newline characters in string substitutions.
    • Aliases: source, codeBlock
  • safeHtml: Similar to html, but with safe HTML escaping for strings.
  • oneLine: Converts multi-line strings into a single line.
  • oneLineTrim: Converts multi-line strings into a single line, trimming newlines.
  • stripIndent: Strips the initial indentation from the beginning of each line in a multiline string.
  • stripIndents: Strips all indentation from the beginning of each line in a multiline string.
  • inlineLists: Inlines an array substitution as a list.
  • oneLineInlineLists: Inlines an array substitution as a list, rendered on a single line.
  • commaLists: Inlines an array substitution as a comma-separated list.
  • commaListsOr: Inlines an array as a comma-separated list, with the last item prefixed by "or".
  • commaListsAnd: Inlines an array as a comma-separated list, with the last item prefixed by "and".
  • oneLineCommaLists: Inlines an array as a comma-separated list on a single line.
  • oneLineCommaListsOr: Inlines an array as a comma-separated list on a single line, with the last item prefixed by "or".
  • oneLineCommaListsAnd: Inlines an array as a comma-separated list on a single line, with the last item prefixed by "and".
  • id: A no-op tag useful in scenarios like mocking.

For more information, examples, functions for advanced usage and best practices, refer to the documentation at proper-tags.56k.guru.

How to Contribute

Please see the Contribution Guidelines.


MIT. See license.