0.1.6 • Published 5 years ago
proplogic-js v0.1.6
#PropLogic-js #####To install the package:
npm i proplogic-js
#####To import the package:
const logic=require('proplogic-js')
#####To evaluate the validity of an Argument
const logic=require('proplogic-js')
##Symbols #####Disjunction: ∨ or || #####Conjunction: & #####Implication: ⇒ or > or --> #####Exclusive Disjunction: ⊻ or |!| #####Logical Equivalence: ⇔ or <-> #####Negation: ¬ or - or !
##Note #####If you are to include multiple atoms in a given premise, please separate them accordingly. This library will not accept things like: (p&q&r). You will need to decompose each premise and conclusion into atoms like this: (p&q)&r