0.0.3 • Published 3 years ago

protem v0.0.3

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Last release
3 years ago

:rocket: Protem

The rocket-fast project generator made in Node.js created by asciidude.

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:thinking: What is Protem?

Protem is a CLI where there is a set of projects to use, Protem will handle installing the node dependencies for the project (unless configured not to) along with any other requirements needed.

:sunglasses: Why Protem?

Protem was made for convinence and ease-of-use. It gives you a starter template for a variety of projects, ranging from Discord bots (using Discord.js v12) to Express apps, and much more.

The file structure is already setup as well, with a clear description with what goes where and why in the FILE_STRUCTURE.md file. Protem also checks if the version is outdated to the latest version, and if so, notifys you that it is and that you should update. It also has a list of changes, but this is false by default.

:gear: CLI Options

Everything is optional in the CLI, if all is left blank, it will create a "Hello world!" project.

create-template | default: true | short: T\ Enable or disable if you want to actually create a template, most of the time you won't update this unless you want to check updates.

check-updates | default: true | short: U\ Specify if you want to check for updates.

list-changes | default: false | short: C\ Show the list of changes if there is a new update.

project | default: hello-world | short: p\ This is the project to generate.

new-directory | default: true | short: d\ Specify if you want to make a new directory for the project (./protem/projectName).

watermark | default: true | short: w\ Include the watermark for Protem at the start of your project.

install-dependencies | default: true | short: i\ Specify if you want to install dependencies or not.

Example command: protem --check-updates false --project express-hbs --new-directory false

:cd: Projects

  • hello-world The default hello world project
  • express-https An Express app that uses Handlebars and creates an HTTPS server - and yes, the SSL certificate is generated as well 🙃
  • web-scraper A simple web-scraper using Puppeteer
  • discord-bot A bot with a command handler made in Discord.js v12, with a help and ping command

Protem stands for Project Templates